Friday, 29 January 2016

Venus of the Seven Suitors, Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. More European-Kimbanda magical perspectives.


Venus of the Seven Suitors, Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. More European-Kimbanda magical perspectives.

A quick musing on the idea of magical pairing, and the importance of consorts, and couplings. I am probably the only modern occultist openly discussing this principle, and more then likely among a small handful of practicing magicians who are even aware of it's applications.

In a modern context I believe that the magical tradition (a religion also depending on who you talk too) of Kimbanda/Quimbanda is ideal for helping explaining this. The reason for this is the massive influence (and by massive, I mean to the point that without which, Kimbanda simply WOULD NOT exist) of European immigrants, and slaves who brought the EUROPEAN magical tradition/religion (witch cults) to South America. 

These immigrants included Spanish, Gypsies, Slavic, Russain and even Scottish. The spiritualism of Alan Kardec, a European, served as THE instrumental platform used to perform the mediumship which originally contacted the many Exu (male), and Pomba Giras (female) spirits of mainly EUROPEAN ancestry (of course there are African, Tribal South American as well) which now makes up Kimbanda. 

Pomba Gira is NOT the Goddess Venus, who Europeans saw as their “Devil's Dame”, but Pomba Gira does fit the context of the “Devil's mistress” in Kimbanda. In truth Exu, and Pomba Gira both have origins as hermaphrodite deities, and spirits of the crossroad (same as Mercury). Pomba Gira is said to have “shape shifted” into the insatiable, unashamed, bastion of female sexual power to couple with Exu; who also may have been an hermaphrodite, and assumed the role of the fiery, and volcanic fountain of dark, sticky masculinity. 

The Tree of Life, with it's PLANETARY mysteries is also deeply involved here. Notice I made strong reference to PLANETARY, and not the hebrew god names that Golden Dawn/Crowlites/ Hermetic Magicians often cling too. When the immigrants from Europe carried the Tree of Life mysteries to South America, along with their own forms of Ritual High Magic, it was mostly devoid of Hermetiscism, and Herbewism. 

Even the Grimore, and Solomanic magics brought to, and practiced in South America got reworked to fit a planetary nature, so that they could incorporate their own deities, and not have to assume the role of YHVH god-form. 

So what does this mean exactly?

Lets examine two matrons Venus, and Pomba Gira. 

More specifically Venus in one of her “hidden” names, that of, “Venus of the Seven Suitors”, and Pomba Gira, in her title of “Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands, or “of the Seven Doors (Sete Portias)”. 

Both Venus, and Pomba Gira are often noted as the keepers of the seven PLANETARY mysteries, and this will become extremely important here very soon. 

The feminine energy is often seen as the stone, the earth, or the hub of the great wheel of time. She is fixed, or stationary. The masculine on the other hand, is transitional, and vagabond. Where the feminine is the hub, the masculine is the spoke of the wheel, the sword in the stone, and the many stars above the earth. 

Because female is the, “manifestation”, and the male the “creative potential”, an interesting junction takes place. 

Venus, remains Venus because she is fixed; however, she is greatly influenced by her current suitor-husband-planetary ray. So, Venus linked with Mars, is going to manifest an energy differently, than say Venus when she is linked with Sol. A woman who has different children by SEVEN different men, the children influenced by their seven different fathers' sperm (or creative potential), but ONE woman can make all that happen. 

This explains Venus of the Seven Suitors (Planetary Mysteries), and of course now Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands.

1.Venus and Neptune
2.Venus and Saturn
3.Venus and Jupiter
4.Venus and Mars
5.Venus and Sol
6.Venus and Mercury
7.Venus and Lunar (the masculine Lun”ar”). 

1.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Crossroads
2.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Crossings
3.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Forest
4.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Cemetery
5.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Souls
6.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Lyra
7.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Beach

But what of Pomba Gira of the Seven Doors, or Venus, as the “sacred” whore?

This relates to a function that Venus, and Pomba Gira, are especially suited for. Venus, as the “whore”, can handle being “influenced”, or “penetrated”, by multiple masculine energies at the same time. If the title Pomba Gira of the Seven Doors (openings, portals, etc) sounds sexual....I promise you it IS (there is no “wrong” hole LOL LOL LOL!) This means that both Venus,and Pomba Gira can accommodate the “needs” of their seven suitors/husbands, singularly, or en mass, and thereby manifest their “children”, or, “creative potential” on the earth. She is the hub, with seven spokes, or at least seven holes for which seven spokes (Planetary mysteries/Energies), can interface with. 

Form a magical perspective, this is deeply important. Since Venus should be “adorned” with the “gifts, baubles, and dressings”, appropriate to the liking of her suitor, or suitors; she will also be impregnated, and bring to term the child/working of each of her husbands, or combination there of. 

From the perspective of the Magician, the implications here are huge. Certainly a Mars, and Venus pairing has intense power, but what happens when its Mars-Venus-Neptune? The Whole dynamic changes, and the possibilities really open up. 

This all I want to say about this issue for now. I write this only to introduce the idea, and show yet another level of depth. 

It is a grand study within the realm of true planetary magic for sure.

At the very least something to ponder on, as it is very much a corner stone of this tradition. 

My advice is to study the planetary correspondences, as well as their astrological connections. Become comfortable meeting with, and seeing your planetary bodies, as we are nearing a time when you will start interacting with them on a more personal level. 

-Uncle Bear Heart 

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