Wednesday, 27 January 2016

How the Thorn enlightens

The G.O.O.D.S claims few things. We are a rough and tumble and hedonistic bunch. We
love our freedoms, our rights to worship at we want, love how we want and say what we
want and find happiness when and how we choose. We have deep spiritual sides. We
have long explored, loved, studied, astonished, marveled and fought fierce battles on the
astral realms. We believe in magick, we pay homage to Pagan Gods and Goddess, we
toast great Pagan Heroes and Heroines,
and in our own way seek to write our names and
deeds in the stars like our forefathers and mother did.
We give every right to all others to find the same
pleasures and same vigor for life that we have and in
whatever way they deem best for them, or not, we
also respect the rights of those people who decided
that life is a distasteful experience and they are looking
for the fastest way to transcend their earthly
incarnation as quickly as possible, it’s your choice and
your freedoms in what you want and how you want to
approach the life you have been given.
Because we value our freedoms and the freedoms of
others, we believe that is goes without saying that
should someone decide that their path is to force their
views upon us, to try and leverage some unwanted and
uninvited control over what is NOT theirs, to meddle where they are not welcome and
through threats and of force of violence take away from us what is ours and not theirs,
we are truly shocked when these individuals, or anyone else for that matter would be
surprised that we would react in the most direct and effective method to ensure that
maintain the beauty and splendor that is our divine humanism, our physical lives and our
freedoms to chase down and experience, living life at its fullest.
I guess what I am saying is this, we don’t bother anyone else and wish the best for all
things, but you fuck with my freedoms or those of my friends and family and I am ready
to crub stomp you into the next world.
And that is EXACTLY to type of fighting
spirit you NEED to develop if you want
to life a life WITHOUT fear, living with
purpose, strength and love fully
Nature has many, many ways of saying…
don’t touch, and should you continue you
on your quest to violate nature with your
dirty hands when it has clearly stated
“back the fuck off me” then you clearly
has asked for the consequences and
deserve what you get.
You mess with a baby bear cub and get
mauled by mama bear, guess what, you
deserve it.
You poke a bull and get gored by its horns… guess what, you deserve it.
You see it coil back and hear its rattle and yet the message still does not get through your
thick skull and you get closer… yep you get bite and probably poisoned.
The dog growls and tell you not to pet it and oops, you decide you have more of a right
to tough the dog then the dog has the right to tell you not to touch him… well you get
bit… it’s your own fucking fault.
You mess with wild, strong, passionate, highly active individuals on the astral plane who
have an unshakable zest for living their lives in a manner that THEY choose when you
have been warned and told time and time and fucking time again NOT to fuck with
humanity… yep, you’re going to get hunted on the astral plane and rode down every
chance we get.
It’s just the natural way of things.
Understand this. The Illuminati and their crusted lizard fucks who they revere have
decided that even though they heard humanity growl, see it coil back and it’s “don’t
mess” with us rattle, the see the bear cubs of humanity and poke and piss it off anyway.
So when mama humanity comes to maul them and gore the living shit out of them for their
CHOICE to try and violate humanity, why is it that foolish individuals like YouTube user
stand like dumbfounded dipshits at that materialization of this law of
The G.O.O.D.S is a TRUE magickal order; we don’t now or ever
care about achieving “enlightenment”.(We will explain why latter) We
care about living life on our terms and affording others to do the
same, and if you decided you want to take away our right to do that,
then you WILL face the repercussions of that ill-fated decision. The Illuminati has made
that choice, they have aligned themselves with grossly vile entities that have also made the
decision that they will use their freedom of choice to deny our freedoms.
THEY made the choice to come and do humanity extreme villainy and tremendous harm.
A rose has thorns to protect it, it doesn’t reach out to harm you, but if you reach out to
grasp the rose you will probably be harmed. The G.O.O.D.S is the same way, Humanity
NEEDS to be the same way. You reach back your hand and see that you have been
injured and you are in pain from grabbing the rose and finding its pedals. You now have
yet ANOTHER choice to make. Will you learn from your mistakes and next time kept
your grubby mitts off the rose or will you again decide to want to rose enough to face the
thorns again… like I stated before it’s all about freedom of choice.
The rose and the thorn illustrate supreme
mercy to the greedy who want to steal
the beauty of the rose, the pain stops
when the greed does. The greedy are
only doing it to themselves. The thorns
piece and rip only as hard as the greedy
squeeze. The pain they feel is completely
up to them. Do you see ihatemellee…
when you and the Illuminati stop trying to
steal the rose, stop raping humanity’s children, stop seeking to enslave and imprison us,
we YOU and the Illuminati stay your hand against the sharp thorns of the rose of divine
humanism, you stop injuring yourselves, you are doing it to YOURSELVES!!!!
The thorns of a rose are ALWAYS at the
ready for open aggression against these
Illuminati FUCKS, because as the great
master Thomas Jefferson said “Eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty” AND
“Resistance to Tyranny is obedience to
God”. Just as it is the natural order for
those things is nature to defend
themselves with deliberate furry, it’s just
the law of nature that slimy power mad
fuck seek to defile what looks weak and easy to exploit.
The mercy comes when YOU decide to stop being such a greedy fucking pig because it’s
too painful trying to get at that rose, thus sparing you and others around you from the
tyranny and oppression of having such a twist greedy pig around them and the damage
you do to yourself, ihatemelee and Illuminati, by being such a perverse and gluttonous
The Illuminati and Illuminati sympathizers like ihatemelee, LOVE to hide behind the title
of “enlightened”. They hide behind the façade that they are about peace and non
violence, like Hitler did when he said he a disarmed German public was a safer world to
live in… and he was right, it was a safer world… just for him and his Nazi storm troopers
to imprison and terrorize anyone who did not agree with Hitler’s world domination plot.
Yes… Hitler also LOVED to talk about spiritual enlightenment and a beautiful and
peaceful utopia but that’s where it ended, the nightmare of fear and hellish totalitarianism
that descended over the world was never meant to bring the sunlight of Alfheim (a
Germanic Utopia… land of sun and milk and honey) for anyone but Hitler and the
Illuminati super fucking sub-human scum bags who financed him (Those Illuminati
financiers who are Zionists and now also hide behind being Jewish, the Holocaust, Antisemitism,
and the ADL has a defense against anyone who tries to bring the true out
against them and is still stupid enough to fall of the guilt trap and emotional black mail
attempts by being falsely called a racist by their Zionist mass murdering fucks).
Misguided twits like ihatemelee perpetuate the LIE that enlightened people who value
compassion and mercy have been de-clawed and are toothless, unable to defend
themselves, which is essence what his ilk want. Easier to take you over a FORCE you
into their warped view of what “peace” is.
Instead of being free and strong and living in a world where people have the right to live
their lives and defend themselves and learn from their mistakes and where mercy and
peaceful living is truly valued because of the capable ability of everyone around you to
defend their way of life and who have CHOOSEN to live among each other in friendly
and loving terms instead of being FORCED to be peaceful,
which is only docile and dumb form of life and
a type of violence in and of its self, No, the
Illuminati and as ihatemelee has suggested,
they would rather the grand rose of the Human
Divine be de-thorned so that they can more
easily pluck and tear her pedals from her as
she lay defenseless, broken and weeping for
the honor, passion and beauty she once knew.
ANY time
someone wants you to get rid of your weapons, silence
your voice, become meek and docile and adhere to
bizarre spiritual taboos where you sacrifice and follow
dogma out of fear of retribution, or claim you are not
“enlightened” because you are ready at a moment’s notice
to become a brutal snarling wolf in order to defend you
and your family against the intrusions of sniveling slithering weasely self deluded, self
righteous, highly pretentious troglodyte creeping
tyranny against you and your family we
recommend this;
1. Arm yourself further, open aggression against
Tyranny continual reminds it and it’s sub-human
pant-loads who worship at its altar that they are
NOT welcome.
2. Deal with these twisted troglodytes fast and
brutally. Make sure they have FULL
understanding their double-speak and
emotional black-mail has NO effect and that
you will EXPOSE them for what they are.
3. Surround yourself with a community of people ready to aid you because they love
freedom so much they are willing to soil their hands on the filth that is oppression in order
to preserve the splendor of freedom.
Remember at NO point is denying yourself freedom going to keep you safe. The ONLY
effect of taking away freedom is to become more and more a slave. Things like
“enlightenment” are completely a Reptilian/Illuminati power trip, NOTHING more and
the miserable few who try and use it as a method of control are playing out the alien
programming that these scaly slavers re-wired into our consciousness to try and suppress
us further.
The ONLY enlightenment worth achieving is the value of personal freedom, the respect
of the personal freedoms of others and the understanding that you are sometimes going to
have to stomp a mud-hole through some shithead’s chest hell bent on oppressing you in
order to defend and KEEP your personal freedoms and that of others.
Mercy and compassion should ALWAYS be applied to the WHOLE of humanity, but
sometimes that means having to deal with the truly sick of our kind in less than friendly
ways ONLY because they have far over stepped their boundaries first and you can’t let
up in your defense until they break off their attack FIRST.

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