Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

The G.O.O.D.S is an order of a powerful and very well trained and established Wiccan coven/Magickal Lodge. Because of this, the Coven's traditions and the traditions of the G.O.O.D.S sometimes over lap. This does create some challenges. We at the G.O.O.D.S was for awhile a secret society and the Wiccan coven had a "open/outer" circle and a "closed/inner"" circle that only full initiates where allowed entrance, the G.O.O.D.S is an order formed for inner circle members of the coven.

However the G.O.O.D.S began receiving encouragement from its spiritual patrons to make public the traditions of the G.O.O.D.S and create a vast army of spiritual/astral "Knights of the G.O.O.D.S" that would greatly wound the Reptilian/Illuminati strangle hold information concerning the astral/magickal realms, and restore some accountability and sanity to the "New Age" movement.

We need to honor our vows to keep the traditions of the inner circle of the Wiccan coven secret, but also need to release the traditions of the G.O.O.D.S in a fully functional fashion that will work but not have parts missing because of its intertwining with the traditions of the "closed/inner circle" of the coven.

My first impulse was to release the FULL ritual for the formation and consecration of the Magickal/Astral Sword. But, because the foundations of the Magickal Sword are part of not only the "inner" circle, but the initiation and rite of passage to becoming a High Priest of our coven... the impulse was quickly dismissed.

However through working with the patrons of the G.O.O.D.S we have developed a G.O.O.D.S only process of formulating and consecrating a Magikcal/Astral Sword and I present that in its FULL entirety.

The process is two-fold, not only are you Formulating and Consecrating a Magickal Sword for yourself, you and Formulating and Consecrating yourself into a soul that is worthy of wielding such a powerful weapon on the Astral world. Because this ritual is guided by the G.O.O.D.S and its patrons, any evil act preformed with the sword will cause the owner sever repercussions. REMEMBER, the sword cuts BOTH ways.

I will detail the HOW and the WHY behind the ritual;

You will need a sword, one that you "could" use in a real fight, these include ceremonial blades, knives also, or authentic swords, but if for some reason all you can find is a butter knife... even a plastic one... it could work... I hope however that is not the case.

1. During a Tuesday (Day of Mars) on the beginning of the hour of Mars and for the full assume the "sleeping knight pose" like on the 4 of swords tarot card from the Rider-Waite deck. Lay the sword on your chest so the tip in pointing to your genitals and the "cross" of the guard and handle near your "heart center" to end of the handle near under your chin, like you could make the "sign of the cross". For the full hour lay with the blade and think about all the conditions of your life effected by the Reptilian/Illuminati agenda, how they have made you and others suffer, how they have harmed countless millions of people with their actions, how they have sexually violated children, how they have drank the blood of humans and eaten their flesh, how they have offered human sacrifice to their Draconian masters, let that angry transfer to the sword, let that program the sword to its purpose.

This part of the ritual declares your intent to fight the Draconian/Illuminati agenda, gives you clarity as to why you would do it and with what you will fight it with. Anger is NOT a "sin", neither is revenge. Ever notice who it's the scum bags who deserve your anger and revenge who try and make you feel bad for wanting to give them what they deserve... interesting isn't it...Your "mars" energy will fuel your power and the sword will be a channel for that.

2. The next Friday which is the day of Venus, during the hour of Venus, lay as you did before on Tuesday with your sword. This time however think of all the people your efforts will help. Think of all the people you love and would give your life for to protect from the Draconian/Illuminati sickness. Think of all the great and wonderful things the Illuminati hold back from the world, how much suffering would be ended by your involvement and inspiring others to stand against the Draconian/Illuminati agenda. Let this energy transfer into the sword. This "Venus" energy of love will keep in check your "mars" energy and help you perform what must be done with love of your fellow man in your heart while anger my burn and fuel your passion, it's love that will temper it from spilling over into other areas of your life and keeping you from destroy yourself in the process of helping eradicate the Draconian/Illuminati attack against humanity on the astral/magical realms.

Fire and Water to temper the steel...

3. On Sunday during the hour of the Sun perform the following:

Set up a table or altar with a white cloth... try and buy or find one that is very clean if at all possible.

Make an incense of crushed dried Bay Laurel (Bay) leaves and Cypress. In a small cast iron bowl/cauldron or appropriate bowl/plate/surface place a burning charcoal piece and sprinkle in the incense to release its smoke, not very much, just enough to get smoke and scent but not over powering so.

Get a cup of water and small container of SEA salt and place that on the altar to.

Finally place a pure white candle on the altar.

Once the hour of the Sun begins, make sure you have all these things on your altar. A white cloth, an appropriate place to burn incense and a charcoal and a small bowl of the incense. A cup of water with a small container of SEA salt and your sword.

A. Light the white candle and prayer to the Prime Creator, ask for its divine light to wash over you and to witness your formation and consecration of Magickal Sword. You aid in its power and purpose to defend of your world from the Draconian and Illuminati threat, next ask that all of the patrons of G.O.O.D.S come and witness your working, this will include the patrons already introduced and the ones that have yet to be.

B. Next light the charcoal and get it good and hot (use a lighter and a pair of tongs to hold the charcoal and get it burning and all sides) lightly drop it into the bowl and then sprinkle in the incense of crushed and dried bay laurel and cypress, allow the smoke to raise and breath it in while standing at the altar.

Say: By this smoke, the scent that has inspired the greatest heroes of our race, by the herbs they wore as crowns for their bravery and victories, by the strength of this intoxicating perfume that repeals the phantoms from Hades gloom and cures the sickness of evil and greed, of lethargy and sloth, caught and snuffed out with its fumes. I exorcise you, abominations of air. I return purity to this space and to my soul; I return strength, courage and steadiness to my mind, in the name of that which is most high!

C. Pick up the cup of water and throw in 3 pinches of salt, hold the cup in both hands.

Say: By the lustral waters of the loud and resounding sea! I do cleanse myself and this space, in the presence of the Most High and the mighty patrons of my order. I baptize myself, restore healing to my spirit and wash away all the filth that dims my light, like rain washes dirt off a plane of glass so that the following sunshine may shine brightly in!

Take your fingers and dip them in the water and like you where throwing a pinch of salt, flick the blessed water on you altar, your sword and at your feet. Now dip your thumb in and wipe/anoint your third eye. If you naked (like I was) or if you don't mind you can pour the water over your head as a "head washing" baptism.

D. Pick up the sword and hold it and a "offering" way (whatever manner feels comfortable) the 4 directions and back to facing your altar. Holding it close your eyes and "see" your astral body holding the astral body of the sword. The sword often looks like a glowing or flaming sword in its astral form. See the words "Quis Ut Deus" appears on the blade in fiery writing.

Say: Quis Ut Deus! (?) (It is a question, means "Who is like God?") Then Say: I am! (You are answering the question... that is like God... I am... you are made from the Prime Creator... you are like the Prime Creator)

Next see the word "Malkuth" written on the OTHER side of the body of the astral sword in the same fiery writing.

Say: "From the Earth and for the Kingdom!" (This relates to the fact that the sword and you come from the earth, Malkuth is the "physical world or KINGDOM of man" that you and the sword are "for" the kingdom, or champion and defender of the kingdom/earth/physical plane.)

E. Now hold the sword to your face (like Lion-O when he used his sword to "see" or summon the thunder cats...sorry I could find a better See the on the astral body of the sword, on the right side of the guard the planetary symbol for Mars, and the words Geburah (G'bur-Rah) and Hod (H-ood) written in the fiery lettering.

Say: G-bur-Rah! H-ood! By power of Mars, bestow on me strength and tactics!

Now on the left side of the guard on the astral body of the sword see written in the fiery writing, the Symbol for Venus and the words Gedulah (Ged-u-lah) and Netzach (Net-zack).

Say: Ged-u-lah! Net-Zack! By the grace of Venus, bestow on me benevolence and victory!

Now see on the astral body of the sword right in the center of the guard and right on the same level of your 3rd eye, the planetary symbol of the sun appear with the word Tiphareth(Tip-are-eth) right below it in the fiery lettering.

Say: Tip-are-eth! By the light of Sol, may my higher self and high aspirations shine like the sun in a world descending into a sea of night!

D. Now see your astral body and the body of your astral sword blazing with the light of the sun and raise the sword above your head.

Say: "May this sword become a weapon of might to scatter the being of the unseen world! May its use in war bring peace? May it be as brilliant as Tip-are-eth (Tiphareth), as terrible as G'-bur-Rah(Geburah) and as merciful as Chessd(H'est)! So mote it be!!"

E. Make sure all that nothing will burn from the charcoal and that the fumes from the incense are not too strong.

Lay down for the remaining of the hour of the Sun like you did on Tuesday and Friday and allow yourself and your magickal sword to become "one". Just let the experience of the ritual run through you and the sword and let your energies mingle. Don't try to make this look like anything, just know that is what you are doing.

Once the hour is up and or when you are ready. Wrap your magickal sword in a red cloth and then wrap that in a green cloth (Red/power and aggressiveness of Mars held by Green/the compassion and love of Venus).

Keep this sword by where you sleep and or on your personal altar. The Astral body of the blade will forever be on your astral body and usable whenever you need it. -G.O.O.D.S

Some notes: The tip of the sword points to the genitals to signify that your sexual organs are greatly linked to your physical health and fighting spirit, your masculinity and femininity are vital to life, both in its creation and its protection. The guard and handle making the cross on your chest places you at the center/cross roads of the universe and states the awesome power of your sexuality is controlled and wielded with your heart, head/mind and hands. The Ritual done on Sunday on the hour of the Sun is a declaration that you will fight with the Magickal Sword with the aspirations of your Higher Self (Inner Sun) every hour of ever day. In the exorcism of the air, the line cures the sickness of evil and greed, of lethargy and sloth, caught and snuffed out with its fumes relates the diseases of the spirit that the word influenza comes from meanings astral influence”…or sickness in the air, sickness cause of evil spirits. Air means air like you breathe but also the astral realm and all forms of cursing/hexing and blessing with words.

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