Necromancy, Frucissiere Oil, Helios Cleansing and Helios
What Necromancy IS:
The consultation of that which HAS lived (meaning manifested into its own
biological physical body) and has now passed over (died), in the effort to gain
knowledge and or assistance.
What Necromancy IS NOT: Putting on a piss poor junior varsity Drama equivalent of a play acting "ritual" in a "forgotten" graveyard full of styrofoam grave markers inscribed as "unknown" while wearing black robes you fished out of dumpsters behind a Halloween store and falling into epileptic fueled break dancing (this is for when you want to perform the worm correctly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvHBBL_4wyE).
Necromancy is not the dark art, which is correctly termed "Nigromancy"; however the uninitiated, the hoaxers and scam artists rarely know the difference (and in the most glaring of examples clearly have NO clue) and thankfully that brings about their meteoric down fall.
Necromancy is NOT evil...not unless your intentions are ill, and/or the departed spirit(s) you are seeking to contact are willing to commit evil acts. Nor is necromancy seeking to conjure forth so-called "demons" either, as Necromancy is about consulting with that which HAS lived and has now died. This means that NONE of Goetic Spirits which are often stupidly classified as "demons", can be reached using Necromancy has they have never once lived, and thus never died. Also, all else generally classified as demonic did not ever "live" either.
The vast majority of true Necromancy is quite beautiful and healing. Necromancy is found in Ancestor Veneration, the purification, and elevation of your Mighty Dead, and communication with the departed through honest mediumship and linked with the Solar planetary realm, "as they have brought light to you to light your darkness, so to shall you offer light to them". You discover just how eternal and infinite you really are, and the amount of love your own bloodline family as well as other spirits of the departed have for you. It is the forefront of religion as it confirms the existence of an afterlife and that your actions in life DO matter...even you "think" they don't. An uncomfortable thought for some I'd venture, but for most of you... that should be a great comfort.
From a Qaballistic stand point Necromancy is best expressed through 9=Moon(astral realm), 6=Sun(universal crossroads of Noon and Midnight), and 11=Pluto(Underworld). Both 9 and 11 are dark realms which only reflect (the astral world) or absorb (The underworld) of the universal provider of the physical life force (Sun). As you are the God or Goddess in the circle, you stand the sun/center of your magical universe in micro-cosom. Offering your time, attention, and force of personality into the underworld/pluto/the dead brings them light and life force and act as a medium. The offering of candle light and food offerings prayed over and blessed by you for the dead is yet a further offering of light, and life energy by which elevates them and allows them to better assist you. As such many are very surprised to learn just how many necromantically talented spirits and other entities gather in the planetary sphere of the Sun-Sol. Now, just because you are not contacting this spirits via necromancy, doesn't mean they cannot teach you about and aid in your work within Necromancy.....
Its crazy when you realize that Christianity is a giant necromantic cult ripped off from the setting and rising sun cults of Helios and even Apollo.
That being said, I would be lying if I where to suggest that great evil and/or harm could not be accomplished through Necromancy. There are evil deceased spirits, confused, desperate, and broken, just as there are those kinds of living people. The dead, because of their extremely close proximity of the physical realm, and as such the malevolent/hungry dead are popular choices for sorcerers/magicians to send against their enemies, or to people of their client's targeting.
Helios Cleansing
If you are feeling as though you might have come into contact with malevolent dead; you are feeling ill a lot, sapped of energy, nightmares of being eaten or buried, a steady decrease in finances, difficulty concentrating, swear words and threats of rape or other violence whispered in your ears, a sudden on set of insomnia, this simple cleansing can do wonders in ridding the hungry dead from your sphere of influence/energy body and or clearing away psychic sludge. This is different from the Apollo Cleansing, as the focus is slightly different as this is to cleanse you from the energies of evil dead and such influences.
Take an orange and on it scratch the planetary symbol of the sun (a big circle with a point in the middle) into the skin of the orange in a bowl or pitcher of cold fresh water, now bruise and tear a few basil leaves, and submerge the orange with a pinch of salt. Place the pitcher or bowl with the basil and orange in direct sun light for at least an hour, ask Helios to blessed and empower with his solar strength of purification.
Take the orange out of the water and starting from your head wash your body with the orange over every inch of your body like it was a bar of soap down to your feet.
Place the orange on the floor and now take a mouthful of the basil water. Swish and spit out the water on the floor (or in a sink.... you can do this near a sink). Now bow your head just a bit and pour some of the water so that it runs down the top of your head and down toward your forehead.
Take the orange and place a small dab of honey on it and push 6 pennies into the skin of the orange. Take the orange and water outside. Bury the orange in a small hole and pour the water over it.
Thank Helios for cleansing you and tell him that the honey and pennies are payment for his work.
You should have a strong sense of "clean" after you perform this act.
Its best to preform this on Sunday, but any day is fine. You can also preform this type of cleansing once a week if you need or want too.
Helios Oil
If by some chance the above cleansing isn't enough (and RARE will that be the case)... I have something else that is much stronger. I receive on occasion messages from people who are real victims of malevolent dead and or have been spiritually devastated by working with rituals found in certain "evil necromancy" grimores and other highly questionable sources. Is it because these grimores or other materials are legit? Fuck no, its because they where hoodwinked into opening themselves up to selfish greedy entities and or did shitty things to the dead and angered the spirits of the deceased they where fucking with.
In these cases I have prepared Helios Oil. Its remarkable ward against the dead, and restores vitality to the psychic centers devoured and chewed on by the hungry dead.
The Oil is not free... but it is NOT expensive. A near lifetime supply for around $25. I think that is fair.
Frucissiere Oil
What Necromancy IS NOT: Putting on a piss poor junior varsity Drama equivalent of a play acting "ritual" in a "forgotten" graveyard full of styrofoam grave markers inscribed as "unknown" while wearing black robes you fished out of dumpsters behind a Halloween store and falling into epileptic fueled break dancing (this is for when you want to perform the worm correctly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvHBBL_4wyE).
Necromancy is not the dark art, which is correctly termed "Nigromancy"; however the uninitiated, the hoaxers and scam artists rarely know the difference (and in the most glaring of examples clearly have NO clue) and thankfully that brings about their meteoric down fall.
Necromancy is NOT evil...not unless your intentions are ill, and/or the departed spirit(s) you are seeking to contact are willing to commit evil acts. Nor is necromancy seeking to conjure forth so-called "demons" either, as Necromancy is about consulting with that which HAS lived and has now died. This means that NONE of Goetic Spirits which are often stupidly classified as "demons", can be reached using Necromancy has they have never once lived, and thus never died. Also, all else generally classified as demonic did not ever "live" either.
The vast majority of true Necromancy is quite beautiful and healing. Necromancy is found in Ancestor Veneration, the purification, and elevation of your Mighty Dead, and communication with the departed through honest mediumship and linked with the Solar planetary realm, "as they have brought light to you to light your darkness, so to shall you offer light to them". You discover just how eternal and infinite you really are, and the amount of love your own bloodline family as well as other spirits of the departed have for you. It is the forefront of religion as it confirms the existence of an afterlife and that your actions in life DO matter...even you "think" they don't. An uncomfortable thought for some I'd venture, but for most of you... that should be a great comfort.
From a Qaballistic stand point Necromancy is best expressed through 9=Moon(astral realm), 6=Sun(universal crossroads of Noon and Midnight), and 11=Pluto(Underworld). Both 9 and 11 are dark realms which only reflect (the astral world) or absorb (The underworld) of the universal provider of the physical life force (Sun). As you are the God or Goddess in the circle, you stand the sun/center of your magical universe in micro-cosom. Offering your time, attention, and force of personality into the underworld/pluto/the dead brings them light and life force and act as a medium. The offering of candle light and food offerings prayed over and blessed by you for the dead is yet a further offering of light, and life energy by which elevates them and allows them to better assist you. As such many are very surprised to learn just how many necromantically talented spirits and other entities gather in the planetary sphere of the Sun-Sol. Now, just because you are not contacting this spirits via necromancy, doesn't mean they cannot teach you about and aid in your work within Necromancy.....
Its crazy when you realize that Christianity is a giant necromantic cult ripped off from the setting and rising sun cults of Helios and even Apollo.
That being said, I would be lying if I where to suggest that great evil and/or harm could not be accomplished through Necromancy. There are evil deceased spirits, confused, desperate, and broken, just as there are those kinds of living people. The dead, because of their extremely close proximity of the physical realm, and as such the malevolent/hungry dead are popular choices for sorcerers/magicians to send against their enemies, or to people of their client's targeting.
Helios Cleansing
If you are feeling as though you might have come into contact with malevolent dead; you are feeling ill a lot, sapped of energy, nightmares of being eaten or buried, a steady decrease in finances, difficulty concentrating, swear words and threats of rape or other violence whispered in your ears, a sudden on set of insomnia, this simple cleansing can do wonders in ridding the hungry dead from your sphere of influence/energy body and or clearing away psychic sludge. This is different from the Apollo Cleansing, as the focus is slightly different as this is to cleanse you from the energies of evil dead and such influences.
Take an orange and on it scratch the planetary symbol of the sun (a big circle with a point in the middle) into the skin of the orange in a bowl or pitcher of cold fresh water, now bruise and tear a few basil leaves, and submerge the orange with a pinch of salt. Place the pitcher or bowl with the basil and orange in direct sun light for at least an hour, ask Helios to blessed and empower with his solar strength of purification.
Take the orange out of the water and starting from your head wash your body with the orange over every inch of your body like it was a bar of soap down to your feet.
Place the orange on the floor and now take a mouthful of the basil water. Swish and spit out the water on the floor (or in a sink.... you can do this near a sink). Now bow your head just a bit and pour some of the water so that it runs down the top of your head and down toward your forehead.
Take the orange and place a small dab of honey on it and push 6 pennies into the skin of the orange. Take the orange and water outside. Bury the orange in a small hole and pour the water over it.
Thank Helios for cleansing you and tell him that the honey and pennies are payment for his work.
You should have a strong sense of "clean" after you perform this act.
Its best to preform this on Sunday, but any day is fine. You can also preform this type of cleansing once a week if you need or want too.
Helios Oil
If by some chance the above cleansing isn't enough (and RARE will that be the case)... I have something else that is much stronger. I receive on occasion messages from people who are real victims of malevolent dead and or have been spiritually devastated by working with rituals found in certain "evil necromancy" grimores and other highly questionable sources. Is it because these grimores or other materials are legit? Fuck no, its because they where hoodwinked into opening themselves up to selfish greedy entities and or did shitty things to the dead and angered the spirits of the deceased they where fucking with.
In these cases I have prepared Helios Oil. Its remarkable ward against the dead, and restores vitality to the psychic centers devoured and chewed on by the hungry dead.
The Oil is not free... but it is NOT expensive. A near lifetime supply for around $25. I think that is fair.
Frucissiere Oil
Frucissiere is a major astral spirit/principality with who a vast wealth of Necromantic talent is kept. Often times a brief introduction is all that follows his name, "He who brings life back to the dead".
This is not an uncommon occurrence. These grimores are all initiatory books, written in half truths, and with hidden meanings. Just reading them at face value and thinking you can now replicate the rituals and fully understand the spirits detailed within is the pinnacle of silliness. This lends further credence to the importance of INITIATION, anyone saying otherwise is either a fool or a liar.... you should avoid both.
All the Goetic/Grimoric spirits I have been initiated into (yes... its not only the tradition but the individual spirits that make up the tradition which you must be initiated into) have a compendium of tonics, charms, potions, and oils, etc, belonging to each. No such grimore exists (by that I mean is published... they exist because I have my hand written one hidden away) with even but a few of the authentic formulas, and strangely fortunate not even fraudulent ones.
With Frucissiere, it is often misconstrued/misinterpreted that he can bring the dead back to life. NO... he in fact brings life back to the dead. Frucissiere's Oil is essential to all goetic pots I make and Djinn bottles. In all, both plant and animal remains are used in their construction. In the case of the Djinn bottles, the appropriate plant and animal remains help anchor the Djinn to the physical world, but can also help the Djinn in it's work. By applying Frucissiere's Oil to the remains, he allows the once occupying spirit to reanimate the dried out husks, and its spirit become aware of it's former body once more. The spirit of the animal or plant may then consciously work with the Djinn and through their works be given the chance to step up on their spiritual evolution.
All plant and animal remains I use shall be awakened and asked if they desire to work with a Djinn. If they say no... I never force them. I find another.
This is a initiatory formula in the highest degree, but I recognize that people might desire to use it in there own work and if you are interested I will also give you a great deal many usages for it. Like the Helios Oil, it won't be free, but a HUGE supply can be made available for $25-$30. If you ever desire to receive initiation into this spirit, I recommend that at some point you will need to purchase his oil as it will become VERY clear why should you ever become initiated into Frucissiere's mysteries.
-Uncle Bearheart
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