Friday, 29 January 2016

ATR Clear Up


ATR Clear Up

Strange waste of about 45 minutes.

Today I come to find out that someone is claiming I am a racist, and against the ATR (African Traditional Religions), which is too stupid for words. I am still waiting on *PROOF* of this...(of course), and I am sure I will be waiting for a LONG fucking time. 

Funny how my God Father was a Houngan Asogwe of Hatian Vodu, and yet that means nothing (and I am against the ATR? Maybe other Voudanist would like to know you think that),and of course Cubans are racist too. Any other Cubans feel the same way?

I would also like to point out that no less then EIGHT individuals driven to this site from this idiotic slander, have browsed this blog, APOLOGIZED to me personally (yes, you are forgiven, I have NO problems with anyone of you), and even asked how to join G.O.O.D.S... so think on that.

The blog is dedicated to fighting, and resisting REAL threats; Threats that harm ALL people, and of ALL races. I don't waste my time on lame ass "he called me a name", or "he disrespected me" bullshit. 

If you are reactionary, unable to control yourself, or go to the source for answers instead just swallowing baseless lies like a hooker guzzles diseased semen... well your magic is probably just as effective as you are. 

Something to think about.

-Uncle Bearheart 

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