Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Feel the strength of Hercules

I am happy to say that Hercules is a hero
brought into the G.O.O.D.S by me personally.
I have always been interested in connection
between strength of spirit and strength of body
and deities such as Hercules and Thor have
always been part of my devotional focuses
because my gifts of unusually high physical and
spiritual strength.
For some reason the G.O.O.D.S where
hesitant to want to include him in the Order’s
major rites. Maybe it’s because on the surface
he seems like just a big brute and a number of
stories put him in less than flattering light and
over estimate his darker and more “bully”
The life of Hercules is a bitter-sweet story, blessed and cursed by his super human
strength, used and abused for it, scammed and schemed, people were fearful and jealous
of him, & true friends few and far between. I could relate in a lot of ways.
When I first became truly aware of how real the Reptilian/Illuminati threat was I was
beyond terrified, Hercules and Thor where the first entities that gave me the feeling hope
and comfort. That was years ago. Now it’s no longer fear, but a overwhelming sense
disgust at the atrocities these putrid humans and non-humans commit.
Hercules has shown himself to the
G.O.O.D.S in only two ways, one as an
infant strangling two serpents sent to kill him
by Hera and second slaying the Hydra of
Lerna, neither of which is surprising due to
our cause and we are only all to happy to
both honor him and request his help in those
Hercules strangling the life out of the
murderous and foul sneaky serpents sent to
kill him as a baby contains profound
implications. One it shows that he is deeply
concerned with the cowardly, detestable,
and absolutely villainous actions of the
Reptilian/Illuminati actions towards children. These wretches love nothing more than to
sexually violate children, torture them, frighten them and humiliate them and then eat their
flesh and drink their blood, laced with the child’s adrenaline it acts as a potent narcotic,
and shows their true feelings towards humanity, that we are less then cattle and they are
above human, if they can get us to give them our children… they own us.
We give them our children, through conditioning “education” in schools, fluoride in the
water, brain decaying sugar, etc. In practice we offer our children to them everyday… in
their warped minds… we are just saying “here, eat our children”.
Hercules…says FUCK THAT & FUCK THEM. (FT&FT)
Hercules knows about the loss of family. He knows what it’s like to be driven insane by
an outside force (Hera) and wake up with the blood of your wife and children on his
hands… and staining his teeth… a sorrow that wracks him with horrible soul crushing
In his image as an infant strangling a serpent in each hand he says he will inspire our youth
to grow in strength and awareness, that defiling our youth has serious consequences and
that he will help make sure that the Reptilian/Illuminati filth pay 10 times over for each one
child they harmed.
His other image is powerful as well.
The slaying of the Lerna Hydra shows us that few can come against many and win. That
not only do we need to cut them down and crush them, but with the fire of truth expose
them for the rotten cancer they are.
To work with Hercules build a “point of focus” using a red candle and a white candle.
Place the image of infant Hercules strangling serpents next to the white candle and the
image of Hercules slaying the Hydra next to the red candle. Hercules doesn’t smoke but
he is a man’s man and enjoys an ice cold beer, so pour him one he also enjoys a ham
Light the candles and invite him to enter into your sphere of influence.
You might even show him your devotion and do some exercising and working out in front
of him, 10-15 minute of calisthenics is a good sign to him that you take this seriously.
Ask him to aid in your spiritual, magickal and physical strength, ask him to fight with you
and watch your back in the astral and the physical world. Hercules is NOT an entity
other spirits want to pick a fight with and most will flee screaming rather than fight him.
Hercules will also help defend children and protect them other these Reptilian/Illuminati
assholes in their formulative years, nor growing up so brainwashed and conditioned to
fear or respect those dirt bags. Hercules will teach you how to make your magick very
powerful and if you’re lucky… how to exercise and build up your astral body… a true
secret and found only with the G.O.O.D.S via Hercules.

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