European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger.
I will soon begin
introducing the LBRP/Middle Pillar Ritual (now called, "The Merger")
in their true context. In terms of where these practice of ritual/planetary
magic, and even what eventfully became, “hermetic magic”, stemmed from, and
where strongly influenced by, the God of roads, travel, communication, and
commerce himself, "Mercury" or Hermes.
Was Mercury originally a deity of magic, and science? In all likelihood, no. He was( and still is) a horned, and phallic deity of (human) fertility, hunting, and animal husbandry. Because his followers where a nomadic peoples, and moved their herds, the sense of travel; including it's inherent dangers, was adopted by him. Aspects of sorcery surely abounded him, in the arcana of healing both animal, and human, inducing desire of sexual intercourse in both animals, and humans, increasing the effectiveness of the hunt, and of course protection during travel.
The inverse would of course be true. Mercury was called on to empower hexes to cause impotence, disease, and weakness in humans, and livestock, calamity on the hunt, and bring dangers to an enemy's travels. These interactions often had life, and death implications, and so Mercury also became a type of psycho-pomp leading the spirits to the afterlife, and leading the reincarnated spirits back to infant bodies.
As the agricultural world took to life, the mysteries of Mercury shifted to suit modern needs. Not so much a deity of the hunt any longer (for many, he was still revered by hunters, and this aspect plays a major role as will be latter described), but the ability to now transport goods was becoming paramount. Mercury being a deity regularly invoked for safe journeys, it was a natural fit for him to be invoked for safety during trading expeditions.
With transportation, and trade, came commerce. Its not a stretch to see the movement of coin, and transferring of funds which came with the increase of travel as falling under the patronage of Mercury. With money, came knowledge, and learned people looking to sell their wisdom, and skills. This is where Mercury took on the role of, “scientist”, and sometimes even a, “physician”. All manner of new knowledge poured in from the “four directions”. Sciences, religions/magic, philosophy, and business/economics could all converge, and intermingle by way of roads to meet “on”, and cities, to meet “in”.
Communication thrived. Before, people might not hear about important things until years after. Now, with the increase of roads, and trade, news spread at a far more rapid pace. Naturally, Mercury took on the mantle of the, “great communicator”, and all forms of communicating was placed under him. Travel meant encountering new languages. It was advantageous to learn these languages, has this greased the wheels to trade, and sharing of information, some of it secret, or occultic. Mercury already in his role as a psycho-pomp, now also carries news to, and from the spirit world, and the, science”, of magical formulations becomes, “his”; so the roads, and especially the crossroads, contained profound mysteries of chance, and reward, again watched over by Mercury.
Mercury is the sign post in the middle of the crossroads, which for the Romans, because of Mercury's links to fertility, was often a giant wooden phallus/cock. Interestingly the horse, is a scared animal to Mercury. The horse's ability to travel great distances is obvious, and its large penis, a sight which often excited women into carnal acts of fertility (pregnancy intended, or unintended as it where often followed), played its role (I, myself are thereby sacred to Mercury too...wink-wink).
The ability to astral travel was very early on associated with Mercury. Tribal magic men, and woman would astrally search for where the food was, or where certain plants would be found. This evolved into remote viewing where enemies where hiding, or the strength of a rival tribe. This then became harming the astral body of another, to bring about misfortune, or healing the astral body of another. Visiting other realms of existence, and tracking with the dead, and various spirits would all come under Mercury, as would asking for his protection during your magical travels.
Mercury's astral travel, was part, and parcel what brought forth the “Hermetic” tradition. Astral travel was often the higher level mysteries, but this has flipped. People now learn about astral travel BEFORE the foundations of ritual are well established. Which is one reason why in this modern context, I believe, astral travel is now an “open secret”; everybody knows about it, but fuck if the vast, and greater majority can do it. As to where is used to be, astral travel was an initiatory secret which very few knew about it, and those to whom the secret was revealed, they astral traveled regularly.
Another deity that embodies the large penis, and the crossroads, is the African deity Eshu, who is horned as well. A shape shifter, and master of destiny. A magician, and grand communicator. There is also within Africa's wide spread religious context (as well as the African based religions), Nkuyu, Legba, Exu (Exu Rei Sete Encruzhiladas, or King of the 7 Crossroads) , and Lucero, all contain striking similarities with Mercury, and his functions. An originating source maybe? Could be, but where, and who? I wont seek to answer that here.
A function which has become largely ignored within most western mystery schools, but lives on strongly in the African, and Afro-based religions, is a concept called, “road openings”. Through my mentor, and tradition of ritual high magic, this was not lost on me. However, I do wonder if the fact that my Godfather, who was a Hougan Asogwe in Haitian Voudu, and well introduced to Palo Mayombe, Ifa, and Quimbanda, as well as being a master Ritual Magician; did not intuitively uncover this himself, or if the form of Planetary Ritual Magic I inherited (which passed through Haiti), supposedly from French Grimoric traditions, had hidden within it the references to Mercury, and his relationship to road opening rituals.
I know this, as I am old enough to remember the early days of the internet, that the celebrity magicians, and occult personalities of the western mysteries DID NOT, and have not discussed road openings with their magical traditions. So mark the date of this post, because I KNOW I am read by authors of certain publishing houses, and my material ends up peppered in their books.
The structure of the LBRP, known as a Banishing Ritual, and the Middle Pillar, are originally Mercurial, self propelled “Road Openings”, and linked to the Horned-man of the cross roads (The Devil, but the Devil in the TRUE European Witchcraft, as meaning virile, vigorous, wild, and powerful. As an aside, yes, you Wiccans ARE devil worshipers, as in the cults of the Devil, and the Dame (Venus), which is now relocated to Quimbanda in Brazil. Devil until Christianity, like the word demon, had NO-ZERO evil connotations. Another interesting aside to note, (again mark the date of this post) On the tree of life, we see the sphere of Venus, opposite the sphere of Mercury (the horned devil, in his original form, sexual, wild, full of energy, sorcerous, and a trickster) The Devil(Mercury), and the Dame (Venus), are the Father, and Mother of the European Witch cults. Mercury is a tawny red/orange, as is the devil, the beams of Mars which is over Mercury, plays a HUGE role is this, again mark the date of this post. That is something from the TRUE witchcraft mysteries, and I make NO apologies when I say the vast amount of knowledge on the so-called true European witch cults being brought forth currently, is trite as best).
What is a road opening?
As we know, the astral world is the blue print, or final edit, before becoming manifest/physical. There are a great deal of opportunities, resources, and other energies that for a multitude of reasons become, “blocked”, form connecting with us. They circulate around us, and come in as bits, and pieces, or even corrupted versions of what they “should” have been. This can be the result of psychic sludge, a chaotic lifestyle, evil magic, harmful spirits, etc. It comes to down to this, your roads are blocked, and forward motion is hindered.
Another way of looking at this is doors. Strangely, Mercury, and Eshu, Lucero, Legba, Exu, etc, are all often called the, “key holders to human destiny”, and they can unlock doors for you. The inverse is also true, they can shut doors on you, or close your roads. Its common in Palo Mayombe, Voudu, and Quimbanda, to preform malefic rites to close the roads, or doors of your enemies. Its also protection magic, to close the roads, and doors on those trying to harm you.
The structure of the Golden Dawn LBRP, and the calling of directional based Archangels, and drawing banishing pentagrams is in effect to close your roads from being transverses by malignant spirits. The problem is the Archangels where called to stand watch (They will do NOTHING else, unless instructed too, as they are ARCHONS), and the doors/.roads around the magician are closed. You in effect, “safe”, but in an astral prison of your own make.
My Planetary tradition, calls upon the the forces of the four winds. This is important distinction because of the functions they serve. The four winds move, and where heralds for Mercury. Unlike the Golden Dawn ritual structure where you are in reality assuming the God from of Jehovah, in my Planetary tradition, you are assuming the God form of Mercury. The four winds CLEARED THE PATH FOR MERCURY'S SWIFT MOVEMENT. In effect, opened/cleared his (now yours) roads. Again, remember, Mercury is the sign post (Transmitting messages through signs, and can be a receiver by having signs hung on them.... REALLY meditate on that, and it's connection to the Middle Pillar Ritual) in the middle of the crossroads (again, mark the date of this posting). You are calling forth the four aligned powerful spirits which will make Mercury's (your) travel, commerce, communication, learning, tradings, etc, etc, easier.
The old saying, “All roads lead to Rome”, had deep, and magical implications, by virtue of Mercury.
Where the LBRP, takes care of, “horizontal”, the Middle Pillar Ritual, begins the Mercurial exercise of, “vertical” movement (body expansion, and in my tradition Planetary sphere/body visitation). This also linked the magician with the “North Star”, or Pole-Star, which in a hidden mystery makes sure your astral body will never get lost, and can navigate (travel/Mercury), the astral realm, or starry sea.
Now, this leads us to the topic of, “The Merger”. Behold, a true work of Mercurial inspiration. A multi-tiered/layered crossroad, all originating off the same center pole (you/Mercury), for hyper dimensional maneuverability. When you are drawing those Planetary master symbols around your own Planetary bodies, on each planetary realm, you are opening THIER roads also. So, in other words, your are placing the keys around them, that they (YOU) might also have the roads, or doors, open on that planetary realm, and receive all the blocked/hampered energies that pertain to that particular planetary sphere, which would flow through that particular planetary body, and then down to your physical manifestation.
Whew! Again, mark the date of this post.
Why is it then, no other system talk about this????? Because this knowledge was lost, ignored, and/or stifled. I was lucky enough to have had a Godfather, who was in a very legitimate current, and was able to place me within that current before his death.
I want you all to really think on this, and when you preform the merger, see what happens.
Note, this JUST a primer. An introduction to this concept. Its SO MUCH DEEPER, but for right now, its a lot to take in. This information changes things, and broadens scoop.
We have before discussed at some length the relationship of Mars, and Venus, now with a slight planetary reconfiguring, we are beginning to explore the relationship between Mercury, and Venus.
Its important here to note, that G.O.O.D.S is a secret order that derives its power from the relationship between Mars, and Venus. My tradition of Planetary Ritual High Magic, and well as the Tradition of Wicca I inherited can be said to hinge more on the relationship shared by Mercury, and Venus. For you, this might not mean a great deal right now, but there is an energetic difference, and it should be at least be stated.
I at some point will reveal more about this, and more types of road openings. Such as under Santisima Muerte, who is a Saturn based road opening. Good George, who like the Palo Mayombe deity Zarabanda, is a Mars based road opening, and finally one day Saint Simon (The man in black) who is a Pluto based road opening.
All are different, and all require certain harmonic understanding to preform properly.
Enjoy kids!
-Uncle Bearheart.
Was Mercury originally a deity of magic, and science? In all likelihood, no. He was( and still is) a horned, and phallic deity of (human) fertility, hunting, and animal husbandry. Because his followers where a nomadic peoples, and moved their herds, the sense of travel; including it's inherent dangers, was adopted by him. Aspects of sorcery surely abounded him, in the arcana of healing both animal, and human, inducing desire of sexual intercourse in both animals, and humans, increasing the effectiveness of the hunt, and of course protection during travel.
The inverse would of course be true. Mercury was called on to empower hexes to cause impotence, disease, and weakness in humans, and livestock, calamity on the hunt, and bring dangers to an enemy's travels. These interactions often had life, and death implications, and so Mercury also became a type of psycho-pomp leading the spirits to the afterlife, and leading the reincarnated spirits back to infant bodies.
As the agricultural world took to life, the mysteries of Mercury shifted to suit modern needs. Not so much a deity of the hunt any longer (for many, he was still revered by hunters, and this aspect plays a major role as will be latter described), but the ability to now transport goods was becoming paramount. Mercury being a deity regularly invoked for safe journeys, it was a natural fit for him to be invoked for safety during trading expeditions.
With transportation, and trade, came commerce. Its not a stretch to see the movement of coin, and transferring of funds which came with the increase of travel as falling under the patronage of Mercury. With money, came knowledge, and learned people looking to sell their wisdom, and skills. This is where Mercury took on the role of, “scientist”, and sometimes even a, “physician”. All manner of new knowledge poured in from the “four directions”. Sciences, religions/magic, philosophy, and business/economics could all converge, and intermingle by way of roads to meet “on”, and cities, to meet “in”.
Communication thrived. Before, people might not hear about important things until years after. Now, with the increase of roads, and trade, news spread at a far more rapid pace. Naturally, Mercury took on the mantle of the, “great communicator”, and all forms of communicating was placed under him. Travel meant encountering new languages. It was advantageous to learn these languages, has this greased the wheels to trade, and sharing of information, some of it secret, or occultic. Mercury already in his role as a psycho-pomp, now also carries news to, and from the spirit world, and the, science”, of magical formulations becomes, “his”; so the roads, and especially the crossroads, contained profound mysteries of chance, and reward, again watched over by Mercury.
Mercury is the sign post in the middle of the crossroads, which for the Romans, because of Mercury's links to fertility, was often a giant wooden phallus/cock. Interestingly the horse, is a scared animal to Mercury. The horse's ability to travel great distances is obvious, and its large penis, a sight which often excited women into carnal acts of fertility (pregnancy intended, or unintended as it where often followed), played its role (I, myself are thereby sacred to Mercury too...wink-wink).
The ability to astral travel was very early on associated with Mercury. Tribal magic men, and woman would astrally search for where the food was, or where certain plants would be found. This evolved into remote viewing where enemies where hiding, or the strength of a rival tribe. This then became harming the astral body of another, to bring about misfortune, or healing the astral body of another. Visiting other realms of existence, and tracking with the dead, and various spirits would all come under Mercury, as would asking for his protection during your magical travels.
Mercury's astral travel, was part, and parcel what brought forth the “Hermetic” tradition. Astral travel was often the higher level mysteries, but this has flipped. People now learn about astral travel BEFORE the foundations of ritual are well established. Which is one reason why in this modern context, I believe, astral travel is now an “open secret”; everybody knows about it, but fuck if the vast, and greater majority can do it. As to where is used to be, astral travel was an initiatory secret which very few knew about it, and those to whom the secret was revealed, they astral traveled regularly.
Another deity that embodies the large penis, and the crossroads, is the African deity Eshu, who is horned as well. A shape shifter, and master of destiny. A magician, and grand communicator. There is also within Africa's wide spread religious context (as well as the African based religions), Nkuyu, Legba, Exu (Exu Rei Sete Encruzhiladas, or King of the 7 Crossroads) , and Lucero, all contain striking similarities with Mercury, and his functions. An originating source maybe? Could be, but where, and who? I wont seek to answer that here.
A function which has become largely ignored within most western mystery schools, but lives on strongly in the African, and Afro-based religions, is a concept called, “road openings”. Through my mentor, and tradition of ritual high magic, this was not lost on me. However, I do wonder if the fact that my Godfather, who was a Hougan Asogwe in Haitian Voudu, and well introduced to Palo Mayombe, Ifa, and Quimbanda, as well as being a master Ritual Magician; did not intuitively uncover this himself, or if the form of Planetary Ritual Magic I inherited (which passed through Haiti), supposedly from French Grimoric traditions, had hidden within it the references to Mercury, and his relationship to road opening rituals.
I know this, as I am old enough to remember the early days of the internet, that the celebrity magicians, and occult personalities of the western mysteries DID NOT, and have not discussed road openings with their magical traditions. So mark the date of this post, because I KNOW I am read by authors of certain publishing houses, and my material ends up peppered in their books.
The structure of the LBRP, known as a Banishing Ritual, and the Middle Pillar, are originally Mercurial, self propelled “Road Openings”, and linked to the Horned-man of the cross roads (The Devil, but the Devil in the TRUE European Witchcraft, as meaning virile, vigorous, wild, and powerful. As an aside, yes, you Wiccans ARE devil worshipers, as in the cults of the Devil, and the Dame (Venus), which is now relocated to Quimbanda in Brazil. Devil until Christianity, like the word demon, had NO-ZERO evil connotations. Another interesting aside to note, (again mark the date of this post) On the tree of life, we see the sphere of Venus, opposite the sphere of Mercury (the horned devil, in his original form, sexual, wild, full of energy, sorcerous, and a trickster) The Devil(Mercury), and the Dame (Venus), are the Father, and Mother of the European Witch cults. Mercury is a tawny red/orange, as is the devil, the beams of Mars which is over Mercury, plays a HUGE role is this, again mark the date of this post. That is something from the TRUE witchcraft mysteries, and I make NO apologies when I say the vast amount of knowledge on the so-called true European witch cults being brought forth currently, is trite as best).
What is a road opening?
As we know, the astral world is the blue print, or final edit, before becoming manifest/physical. There are a great deal of opportunities, resources, and other energies that for a multitude of reasons become, “blocked”, form connecting with us. They circulate around us, and come in as bits, and pieces, or even corrupted versions of what they “should” have been. This can be the result of psychic sludge, a chaotic lifestyle, evil magic, harmful spirits, etc. It comes to down to this, your roads are blocked, and forward motion is hindered.
Another way of looking at this is doors. Strangely, Mercury, and Eshu, Lucero, Legba, Exu, etc, are all often called the, “key holders to human destiny”, and they can unlock doors for you. The inverse is also true, they can shut doors on you, or close your roads. Its common in Palo Mayombe, Voudu, and Quimbanda, to preform malefic rites to close the roads, or doors of your enemies. Its also protection magic, to close the roads, and doors on those trying to harm you.
The structure of the Golden Dawn LBRP, and the calling of directional based Archangels, and drawing banishing pentagrams is in effect to close your roads from being transverses by malignant spirits. The problem is the Archangels where called to stand watch (They will do NOTHING else, unless instructed too, as they are ARCHONS), and the doors/.roads around the magician are closed. You in effect, “safe”, but in an astral prison of your own make.
My Planetary tradition, calls upon the the forces of the four winds. This is important distinction because of the functions they serve. The four winds move, and where heralds for Mercury. Unlike the Golden Dawn ritual structure where you are in reality assuming the God from of Jehovah, in my Planetary tradition, you are assuming the God form of Mercury. The four winds CLEARED THE PATH FOR MERCURY'S SWIFT MOVEMENT. In effect, opened/cleared his (now yours) roads. Again, remember, Mercury is the sign post (Transmitting messages through signs, and can be a receiver by having signs hung on them.... REALLY meditate on that, and it's connection to the Middle Pillar Ritual) in the middle of the crossroads (again, mark the date of this posting). You are calling forth the four aligned powerful spirits which will make Mercury's (your) travel, commerce, communication, learning, tradings, etc, etc, easier.
The old saying, “All roads lead to Rome”, had deep, and magical implications, by virtue of Mercury.
Where the LBRP, takes care of, “horizontal”, the Middle Pillar Ritual, begins the Mercurial exercise of, “vertical” movement (body expansion, and in my tradition Planetary sphere/body visitation). This also linked the magician with the “North Star”, or Pole-Star, which in a hidden mystery makes sure your astral body will never get lost, and can navigate (travel/Mercury), the astral realm, or starry sea.
Now, this leads us to the topic of, “The Merger”. Behold, a true work of Mercurial inspiration. A multi-tiered/layered crossroad, all originating off the same center pole (you/Mercury), for hyper dimensional maneuverability. When you are drawing those Planetary master symbols around your own Planetary bodies, on each planetary realm, you are opening THIER roads also. So, in other words, your are placing the keys around them, that they (YOU) might also have the roads, or doors, open on that planetary realm, and receive all the blocked/hampered energies that pertain to that particular planetary sphere, which would flow through that particular planetary body, and then down to your physical manifestation.
Whew! Again, mark the date of this post.
Why is it then, no other system talk about this????? Because this knowledge was lost, ignored, and/or stifled. I was lucky enough to have had a Godfather, who was in a very legitimate current, and was able to place me within that current before his death.
I want you all to really think on this, and when you preform the merger, see what happens.
Note, this JUST a primer. An introduction to this concept. Its SO MUCH DEEPER, but for right now, its a lot to take in. This information changes things, and broadens scoop.
We have before discussed at some length the relationship of Mars, and Venus, now with a slight planetary reconfiguring, we are beginning to explore the relationship between Mercury, and Venus.
Its important here to note, that G.O.O.D.S is a secret order that derives its power from the relationship between Mars, and Venus. My tradition of Planetary Ritual High Magic, and well as the Tradition of Wicca I inherited can be said to hinge more on the relationship shared by Mercury, and Venus. For you, this might not mean a great deal right now, but there is an energetic difference, and it should be at least be stated.
I at some point will reveal more about this, and more types of road openings. Such as under Santisima Muerte, who is a Saturn based road opening. Good George, who like the Palo Mayombe deity Zarabanda, is a Mars based road opening, and finally one day Saint Simon (The man in black) who is a Pluto based road opening.
All are different, and all require certain harmonic understanding to preform properly.
Enjoy kids!
-Uncle Bearheart.
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