Wednesday, 27 January 2016

TRUE Germanic "Shamanism"

Very soon I will be releasing information about the Germanic-Folk beliefs on MY family
line. The animals I am about to introduce could be thought of as "totem" animals, but they
are of a Germanic veiw point, the express as a Germanic function of occultism and folk
spirit. Native Americans have their own tradtions and their own meanings for their animals
spirits, sometimes they over-lap...sometime sthey do not and I don't ever try to use their
believes to justify that of my family's spirtial lore.
I will detail 9 of the 11 that are in my family. The Creation story in my family's line as a
"hidden" story behind it and the actions of the last two animal spirits are revealed but in
the first story they are kept hidden for very profund reasons discovered in the second
Each of these animals also repersent a Germanic God or Goddesses.
1. Bear-Dreaming, mediation, awakenings, realizations, probing the unconscious,
berserker rage
2. Boar-Fighting skill, courage, physical, spiritual, and mental toughness, principles in the
battlefield and in social and political situations
3. Rabbit- Sexual mysteries, procreation, propagation, fertility and developing
relationships with ancestral spirits and underworld journeys, some relationship to herbs
and narcotic drug use (Alice in Wonderland… the white rabbit).
4. Wolf-Mysteries of the astral world, of Magick, occult and witch cults, Odin’s
mysteries, blood and the Moon, communication and working in a group.
5. Horse-Indomitable and unstoppable will to succeed, drive and ambition, to quest,
explore and to learn and explore, divination
6. Eagle-Connection to the Gods of Asgard, religious and spiritual ecstasy,
communication with the “Over-Soul or All-Thing”, eyes on the vast political structures
and country/world events
7. Goose-Fierce protective spirit of your clan, kin and community, understanding local
happenings and local politics, being involved in community affairs, watching over your
8. Bovine-Understanding male and female sexual/reproduction and bodily health
bull/cow, understanding the herbs that support each male or female sexual functions,
understanding how to apply these sexual currents/gender roles in the physical
world/midgard, learning protection/nurturing, physical work and physical exercise,
earning wealth and knowing the elemental energies.
9. Rooster/Hen-Very esoteric energy and guardian of the spirit/soul, sexual energy in
magickal work, transmutation, summoning and exorcism, related to the solar and lunar
currents, thunder, lighting, the will and personality of the “shaman”. Thor and Siff’s
10. Mouse-Hidden
11. Spider-Hidden
-Bear Heart

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