Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

I have been hard at work bringing you the Magickal Dissertations of the Opening of the
Watch Towers. It is a VERY important body of teachings that sets the foundation for all
other magickal work done in my tradition. When you read the Open of the Watch Tower
you will have a deeper and much better understanding for you you are actually saying and
in a magickal way what you are aligning yourself with. This is the FIRST time I know of
that anyone, anywhere has done this. I give this to you for your work and to progress the
knowledge of true magickal ritual, strong and powerful and available for all to use. DO
NOT be mislead. I have already had to deal with impostors. Unless it is found here,
word of word, it is NOT from the G.O.O.D.S. I have given NO ONE authority to speak
for the G.O.O.D.S. I ask that you PLEASE use this for your own workings and that you
unlock and achieve your highest potential!
------------------------------The Opening of the Watch Towers------------------------
******And when, after all the phantoms are banished and gone, thou shalt see
that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the
hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of Fire!*****
“Phantoms” in this context relate to both the illusionary nature of “separation” between
you and the Divine as well as the “dark” intelligences, often referred to as shadow
people… demons… evil spirits, etc, that surround the majority of people ready to scare
them back into a submissive form of ignorance.
It is said that phantoms vanish with the first rays of the sun. The sun being the energy of
light and truth which dissipates the empty night which has given people more space than
they need to use their imaginations to create all the horrors of the mind and project them
into the darkness. In most cases people are haunted by themselves, and not by fearsome

However, there is clear evidence and in the author’s personal experience, that
occurrences such as psychic, inter-dimensional, spiritual and magickal attack do indeed
exist and can be very damaging emotionally and even physically.
Phantoms are often distorted thought patterns and unrealized desires, but also guilt and
shame. The majority of are purely artificial and manufactured by you and projected on
yourself as failure, unworthiness, insecurity and undeserved loneness.
These feelings keep you in the illusion that you separate from the Divine, which is
absolutely false. The true is that you are Divine and therefore can never be separated
from it. But our society has for so long been manipulated and conditioned to believe that
we are “sinners”, guilty of some transgression we never committed but yet must forever
atone for, that we are not “good” enough, not “enlightened”, not “chosen”, not “beautiful”
or not “rich”, so therefore how could any of our hopes, dreams and lives have any
These “ideas” surround you like hungry ghosts. Ghosts created and perpetuated by the
so-called elite and ruling class to keep you sheep in your place. Keep you docile and
keep you fearful and feeling disempowered and dependent on “them” and the enslaving
religions they have infiltrated co-opted and now use as a weapon against everyone who is
not part of their little club.
There is also real phantoms that have been contracted (The Faustian pact) to surround
the majority of humans and keep an eye on their evolution of awareness. On the edge of
sleep and wakefulness and during times of heightened awareness (car crashes, walking
home alone at night, etc) people will sometimes see “Shadow People”, or they will
experience a partial out-of-body experience and because of the sleep paralyses, they see
strange, often dark and misshapen beings standing over them, they might say bizarre and
horrible things, just stare eerily, laugh at you or even threaten you.
Because you can’t move, or scream, you force yourself back into waking consciousness
and powerfully affirm in your sub-conscious that you will never have that experience
again and in doing so limit and or fully stunt your spiritual progression and freeze your
awareness, adding yet another brick to the mental prison you unconsciously build for
These phantoms help to “prove” that the slave religions are correct. They are the
equivalent of a “spiritual” false flag attack, the elite create and perpetuate an atmosphere
of negativity and send orders to their media slaves to saturate their news, TV shows and
movies with it, where you in your memorized/hypnotic state you fall into by watching their
garbage begin allow it into your subconscious. This negativity that you now broadcast
with your thoughts about life and yourself attract these “Shadow People” which you at
some point in your life come into contact with and that sends your screaming into the
religious institutions these elitist scum bags have taken over and again you deepen your
enslavement to them.
Fear is the favorite food of these phantoms. They devour this most dense of vibrations
and use it to further manifest into your life, and further your feelings of despair and fear in
order to continue feeding off your suffering, in essence a spiritual parasite.
It will not be until you banish both the real phantoms, and the phantoms of your mind that
you will be better able to see and feel the awesome power of the Prime Creator, a being
that is essentially formless but is all forms, hidden throughout the universe but yet right in
front of your eyes.
To banish these phantoms you must an unshakable commitment to yourself, an
unbreakable bond that you will NOT feed into your fears, that you will do all in your
power to not to indulge your negative feeling about yourself, the great majority of which
are absolute fabrications and place into your mind by a very powerful and slick
propaganda program to subtlety break society’s will.
You must also vow that you will be a source of light in a dull world and a champion of all
that is good and kind. You are not some ego-centered self righteous pompous bully, but a
true Hero, with a strong mind and body, pair with a courageous heart and operating with
a gentle hand.
It is when and after testing and proving yourself and believing in your own worth and
sharing what you represent with others that the illusion of separation with the Prime
Creator falls away, the phantoms will flee and you will come face to face with your higher
self within the circle.
*****So therefore first, the operator who governeth the works of Fire must
sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud and resounding sea!*****

This passage is very important because it reveals essential occult concepts that are all but
completely forgotten and for which I have never seen written anywhere but he oldest
surviving manuscripts of ceremonial and qaballistic magick. No modern author has even
touched the subject.
Most occultists view this passage as referring to “holy water” and leave it at that.
However it’s much deeper than that and goes beyond just “holy water”.
It’s not just water, but “lustral” water and that of the loud and resounding sea.
The sea refers to the astral ocean, a place of swirling, twisting and turning energy that
ONLY becomes what you project upon it, consciously or not. The astral realm, like the
moon, only reflects the light of the sun, or the personality, to which the sun relates.
The world “lustral” relates to sexual energy, sexual energy and vitality often indicate one’s
vitality and the more vitality a magician has the more influence he or she has over the
astral world, the more creativity they have and more direct power over the shape of their
astral sphere and how it gets manifested. This does not mean you need to be a celibate
monk or nun, but that you should not be plagued with sexual guilt and that you should
explore and examine your own sexuality and understand its incredible power.
The “loud and resounding” are a clue to the power of vibration/sound.
Your sustained thoughts, words and deeds are what shape your astral sphere. You must
beware that you do this constantly, consciously or unconsciously, your astral realm is
always in a state of dynamic flux, like the waves of the sea, your actions are like pebbles
that disrupt the surface of the astral ocean and spurn it on to motions.
Your body is comprised primarily of water and your astral sphere has many of water’s
inherent qualities. Like holy water, your body and your astral sphere call carry a blessing
like when you “consecrate” the water.
Your body and your astral sphere should be continual blessed and charged with the
sound of, and thoughts of prayer, invocations and positive affirmations.
The operator/magician of the circle must first be baptized in powerful prayer, bathed in
positive energy and cleansed with meaningful and purposely stated invocations and
Now the place of holy water and be discussed. Concentrated water is one of the
magician’s most useful tools. A pinch of salt must also be added to the water and then the
water blessed. Another link to the sea is the salt water. Salt water is already a powerful
cleanser and washes and strengthens the aura or magician’s sphere of personal influence
and his will force. But blessed salt water carries also the words of might and
righteousness that it is blessed with and creates vibrations on the astral plane that are
unmistakable and have great sway over astral energies and intelligences.
The magician would be wise to take a ritual bath before ritual or at the very least and
even in addition to, wash/anoint his or her hands, head, eyes, ears and the mouth washed
out with holy water also, in addition to sprinkling it around his or her circle.
*****Such a Fire existeth, extending through the rushing of Air. Or even a
Formless Fire, whence cometh the image of a voice. Or even a flashing light,
abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud!*****
Its time we re-introduce perhaps the most powerful symbol/ visualization in the occult.
The unstoppable force represented by the TRUE Swastika. The Swastika is by far the
most demonized occultist symbol, MAYBE a close second is the inverted pentagram, but
I have a feeling the Swastika evokes much more negative emotions.
Let’s get a few things straight right now because I am not now or ever going to entertain
some ignorant fool screaming that because we use the Swastika at we support the Nazi
Most people don’t even understand what the Nazi party was really about, or who really
comprised the Nazi party, because if they did, they would know that a number of the
parents of past and prominent American leaders where members of the Nazi party and
would be trembling to know that the American Military Industrial Complex brought over
Nazi scientists to work for them in what is called “Operation paper-clip” and so poisoned
the heart of America nothing has ever been the same.
If most people understood anything about the real motivations behind WW2 and the
extent of the horrors both committed by the Nazi party and more so important the
reasons behind them they would be fighting tooth and nail every moment and everyday to
make sure what happened in Nazi Germany would never happen in America… but that is
exactly what is being set up to happen… again.
The Illuminati where fully behind and financially backing the Nazi party, it was one of the
failed attempts at world domination and bankrupting all the major countries in the world
with war debt and the heads of the Illuminati because they are war profiteers watched as
smiled as they collected billions in profit, furthered a de-population agenda and used the
war and the devastation is cause to further their control over the governments of the
world and worm their tentacles deeper into each country’s economy and political
We stand in FULL opposition against the Illuminati and one of their front movements, the
Nazi party.
Hitler was an occultist and was deeply involved in a German metaphysical group culed
the Thule Society, a group that was in contact with dark inter-dimensional beings,
reptilians and a group of Transplutonian beings who deceived them into thinking they
where the Gods and Goddesses of their Ancestors (The Norse pantheon), these same
false deities are now venerated by the misguided and evil Neo-Nazi movements so in
other words, scum worshiping even worse scum.
We HATE these people and these ideologies.
It should also be pointed out that the Thule Society and the Nazi party are all part of the
Black Sun, a very ancient idea of nihilism of an Invisible Sun that decays and putrefies all
things in its rays. This isn’t the first time the lie of over pollution has been used to thin the
“herd” and make it easier to enslave humanity and keep the ruling elite few and viewed
and worshiped as Gods on earth. The Nazi Swastika is the perverse and backwards
Swastika of the Black Sun, an equally powerful symbol that does well as a focal point for
the mass murder and ultimate horror of the Nazi run German army and their Illuminati
puppet masters.
This order uses the TRUE swastika to counter-act this vile villainy and restore the value
and beautiful meaning of this still most potent of symbols.
We believe the Black Sun swastika was used for two purposes, one to use its awesomely
corrupted power to do its hideous work, strengthen darkness and malice and then hide
again when the energy was near full exposure, which is did, it hide in the illusion of defeat
and then slithered over to America when the remaining Nazi scientists signed on to come
work in the states and infect it with their monstrous sickness.
Two, we believe that the Illuminati KNEW that the demonization of this mighty symbol
could potentially ruin the positive version from ever being used against them. They knew
most the world was largely ignorant of true magickal practice, and had been taught to
view all magick as the work of the “devil”.
Its time to re-claim this powerful symbol and use it to decimate the great black lodge of
the Illuminati forever and allow freedom, honor and love grow in the space this crap heap
used to occupy.
“Formless Fire, whence cometh the image of a voice”, the “image” of a voice IS the
swastika. Let me rephrase that, the voice (extending through the rushing of air) of
God/Prime Creator IS the Swastika. The Swastika is the unstoppable power of the
vibration of God, for God is the word of God, God exists in what God says, in other
words, God is as God says. It’s ALL encompassing.
The word of God is raw power, awesome to behold and those who do catch even but a
glimpse of that power is NEVER the same again. The thunder bolt or thrown whirling
hammer of Thor, its immense creative and destructive power was the world and will of
ALL the Gods of the Norse pantheon, so revered was this symbol that is stop as a
representation for Asgard, the home of the Gods, and it’s protection laid in the great bolt
of power wielded by the Earth’s greatest defender, Thor.
The Swastika is described in the passage, “a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling
forth, crying aloud!”
The Swastika also appears as the symbol of the “Highest and most Holy” of the Tree of
Life (or JEWISH Qaballa… wait… didn’t the Nazi’s invent the Swastika… umm no…)
the symbol of Kether, the dwelling of the Highest beings and the Prime Creator.
The Swastika is the swirling of all the 4 elements in their most pure and raw forms
spinning so fast they appear to be still, on the flip side the circle divided into fours, that
represents the earth is the elements in their most gross and dense form, spinning so slowly
they appear not to move (meditate on that…it’s a trip).
The Swastika appears once again as “The Wheel of Ezekiel”;
“Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with
conve rte d by We b2PDFC onve
raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst
like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also from within it came the likeness
of four living creatures . . . Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, a wheel was
on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces. The appearance of the wheels
and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The
appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel”
Again the elements are represented in the four faces of the four creatures;
1. Bull: Earth/Taurus
2. Eagle: Water/Scorpio
3. Lion: Fire/Leo
4. Cherub/ Air/Aquarius
The Wheel then carried Ezekiel to sit by God’s side and pen a great number of “secrets”
while he was spoken too by the “voice” of God. This also linking the Swastika to the
Merkaba, a Star Tetrahedron, which the astral body of a human situates it’s self in its
“wheel in the middle of the wheel” and by the furious spinning motion induces “visions of
All one needed to do is apply the spinning motion of the swastika going down the front of
the body and up the back, then spinning down the left shoulder then up the right
horizontally around the body in clockwise direction and you have effectively linked all the
most important energy flows/currents of your all your bodies and make all the most
power “circulation of light” exercises of ceremonial magick and all the heavenly circuit
qigong of Taoism.
You are effectively becoming like the Prime Creator, a powerful spirit or formless whirling
fire, and BECOMING a miniature swastika.
The magician can use the visualization of the swastika to directly connect with God
(visions of God) and build up an amazing amount of raw magickal power within him or
herself especially while standing in the circle.
The Swastika represents unstoppable will force, whirling the energy of the pure elements
inside your mind and allowing that to build up inside you until your energy currents begin
to also whirls and such power is generated that your astral body is carried into the highest
realms to perform your ritual in the highest astral realms while your physical body
performs the ritual within the magickal confines and micro-universe you have created. It’s
an amazing experience to say the least.
*****Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world, wherein continually lieth a
faithless depth and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images,
precipitous, winding: a black ever rolling abyss, ever espousing a body
unluminous, formless, and void.*****
This is a semi-complicated passage. It is on the surface a warning although not to be
taken at face value. It is very easy to become trapped and weighted down by the material
world; however, the warning is NOT against earthly pleasures or even that the physical
world or creature comforts are to be forsaken. What the passage is warning about is the
feeling of inadequacy and languishing away in depression or becoming a slothful glutton
for pleasures and material acquisition.
Most people wrongly equate sex with earthly pleasures and while it is definitely a physical
sensation, one can engage in astral sex, so it is apparent that sexual desire transcends just
the physical realm. Sex is VERY important; it is healthy and very natural. The stronger
your sexual drive and more aware you are and the deeper you have explored your
sexuality the more effective your magickal practices will be. But like anything it can be
abused, just as unnatural clinging too and hording of material possessions is as harmful as
the obsessive and dangerous compulsion to try and stay in the higher realms ignoring your
physical connections and becoming a flighty delusional mess.
The physical world is seen as “dull” comparatively to the rest of the vibrant sparkling
planetary realms. The physical realm is like a big stone. However, a stone that can be
shaped and chiseled away at to flesh out a stunning beautiful stature that captures the light
from above and stands as a testament to human work ethic and inner beauty. For just as
the Prime Creator created you and you are a reflection of it, the statue you crave out on
the physical realm is a direct reflect of you. The ONLY place you can make anything
REAL is to make it happen here on the physical realm. All you spiritual experiences are
just fancies until you have crafted them into tangible manifestation of artifact or experience
conve rte d by We b2PDFC onve
here on the physical realm, this is “force” given “form”. Intelligence given to the
unintelligible, lamination given to the unluminous and form given to the formless. This is
greatest achievement of any magician. You are walking a balanced path here. You are not
trying to deny the physical world or it’s earth pleasures that are meant to enhance and
recharge your spirit and neither are you letting the physical world swallow you and burry
your light under a mountain of dark matter.
*****I invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the
invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe. Be ye also the
guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced.
Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the
mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter
in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.*****
As a magician when you stand in the circle of earth, or the “magick circle” you have
created a dimensional space that is slightly separated from the pshycial world and shifted
into the astral world. You have effective become God or Goddess in the circle and
therefore ruler of the entire micro-universe within the circle which is a direct reflection of
the grander macro-universe… or the entire universe around you. You have answered the
question “Quis ut Deus” meaning “Who is like God”… that you answer with “I am” by
simply standing in the circle as God or Goddess respectively. Angels are the mechanisms
of God. Creations that serve very specific functions that are directed by the will of God.
Because you stand as God in the circle you now have direction control over these
There are Angels in every planetary sphere and their functions are related to the activities
of their respective spheres. Because you standing in the circle represent a living breathing
Tree of Life you now have direct access to each of the spheres and the angels therein.
These angelic intelligences are there for you to put to work, question, and command.
These angels are also there is aid your work, give you counsel and even comfort you in
time of trouble or on the flip side there to encourage you toward victory.
Each Angel will only perform its appointed tasks in the way that they know how. No
angel will defy the word of God but neither will they turn against their essential nature.
Knowing the Angels is like knowing each tool in your box and what job it is best suited
for. Also never forget that Prime Creator who built these angels and is above you can
override any task you compel an angel to do. Your actions and commands inside the
magick circle are some of the most telling and lasting about your character. A vile and evil
God can expect only what he or she calls to them and when you have stepped outside
that circle you no longer have those constant protections in place. We all must deal with
what your actions cause. Take this advice to mean EXACTLY as it sounds.
Allowing the Angels to guide you and give you counsel inside the circle is the surest way
to being to understand the mysteries of the highest of the high and little by little vibrate at
a frequency which would allow you to enter into realms carefully guarded and kept
hidden from those not yet ready to handle the glory and power that dwells within.
*****The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let me therefore form
a vortex in this chamber that the invisible Sun of the spirit may shine therein
from above.*****
The “chamber” refers to a magickal circle. The sun of this solar system is indeed the point
of life energy that enlivens and regenerates the living and organic matter. In the magickal
circle the magician and his or her own personal sun/sol center/Tipareth (solar plexus)
becomes the sun for the micro-universe they reside over. You vibrate in tandem with the
grand sun of the macrocosm and bring life to all this with the magick circle. You are the
light that gives higher purpose and aspires higher ideals within your circle. This is what
some call the “Christ energy”. You are learning the value of self sacrifice for you are giving
your own magickal life form to empower your creations. Like the alchemical symbol of
the pelican piercing its own breast with its beak to feed its babies. You are that self giving
energy, and beginning to open up too and become your inner hero/champion figure who
is your higher self as illustrated by the path of earth(you), moon(dreams/astral), sun(higher
self-Christ consciousness), and heaven(God level).
****Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe. Holy art Thou, Whom Nature hath
conve rte d by We b2PDFC onve
not Formed. Thou, the Vast and Mighty One, Lord of the Light and of the
This passage tells us that the Prime Creator of the Universe is too vast and complex to be
“shaped” by nature, but rather shapes natures. So wide reaching is the mystery of Prime
Creator that we are only able to grasp at hints of it. Like a fire darting through the
universe, flitting here and there and yet we are a direct reflection of that great mystery and
can somehow encompass all of Prime Creator is who we are. We are divine because
your creator is most certainly is.
We learn in this passage that our Prime Creator is in all actions and all things; that we are
not just to embrace the “light” but also the “dark”. There is love and value in even death
and decay. Prime Creator is the complete circle of life and death and all in-between. We
learn that in death we find rest, that decay must occur to break down matter to make
room and substance for new life, that darkness brings healing and that pain can bring
pleasure. We can use that “dark” current to bring an end to evil. We can destroy
something that enhances humanity just as easily as we can create and feed something that
threatens humanity.
Light vs. Dark is a kindergarten concept and one that keeps spiritual evolution stunted.
The true evil in this world will not hesitate to blind and dazzle you with “light” and “truth”
so they can stab you in the back. Love can and has been weaponized into a tool of mass
destruction, shame and guilt. If we are to break free from these silly limiting concepts me
must awaken to the great totality of Prime Creator by self examination, for as we were
created by it, we are the best places to start looking for clues to Prime Creators grand
There is no worship higher to the Prime Creator then realizing and achieving our highest
potential. As we gain higher potential, Prime Creator too advances. We are forever
linked to our creator and the real beauty is that as we advance Prime Creator advances
and thus opens up higher levels for us to advance into.
*****Unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal, and sole merciful One, be the praise and
glory forever, who has permitted me who standeth humbly before Thee to enter
into this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. Not unto me but unto Thy name
be the glory. Let the influence of Thy divine ones descend upon my head, and
teach me the value of self-sacrafice so that I shrink not in the hour of my trail,
but that thus my name be written on high and my genius stand in the presence
of the holy ones. *****
This final passage ties all others together. The idea of giving all thanks and gratitude to
Prime Creator is that we are advancing Prime Creator and therefore advancing our own
potential on both individual and all humanity scales. We are ensuring that the evolution of
our race is eternal. The course of our race is one toward greatness. Not to just a few
“selected” few or “chosen one” these ideas are inherently evil and the dogmas of slave
religions, but for the ENTIRE sum total of every human is existence.
We are forever entering further and deeper into the mysteries of Prime Creator. The more
advanced we become the more we can take in and most importantly apply in direct
action here on the physical plane. The more we can bring to the physical place that more
other humans will begin to evolve and begin to bring their understanding to the physical
realm thus advancing more and more humans collectively; but, each human retaining their
own individuality in the process. “For the good of all” has been the justification of Tyrants
and Despots the world over and great atrocities have been committed while chanting that
mantra. Evolution of all humanity must ONLY occur in the way it is best for each
INDIVIDUAL and it can NEVER be forced. Anyone suggesting otherwise is greatly
mistaken and or a would be dictator who does NOT have your or anyone else’s, other
than their own, best interests in mind. These people should be avoided for their path is
currently one of folly and madness.
By standing in the presence of the Prime Creator and taking up the mantle of God or
Goddess respectively within the circle you being to draw like minded intelligences near
you. There higher intelligences will be to communicate to you and lend their influence, and
in some cases directly channel information through you (thus descending influence upon
your head). These energies will also being to be drawn into your sphere of personal
influence (aura) and over time begin to manifest physical traits through you astral body
down into your physical body. One must be ever mindful how they conduct themselves
inside the circle for this is how they draw corresponding higher intelligences to them.
In the circle you are the Prime Creator of all that you do. This is the value of self sacrifice
for you are giving life to your work, your dreams and desires. You do this regardless of if
you are aware of this or not. Because these creations bear your handiwork you are also
responsible for what they do, but you are also praised and advanced by them too.
As you advance from self to higher self and then supreme self your genius/intelligence
shall live on in the astral world (name written in the stars) you will be seen as a true adept
and brought into astral congress with grand intelligences who share your same goals and
purposes. You will begin to be sought out unconsciously be others seeking advancement
and truth. You will stand as a pillar of strength and a bastion of spiritual might in a world
full of empty promises and weak slavish dogma.

-Bear Heart


  1. the swastikas spinning is giving me a energy that feel really cool like a breeze...Baddazz!!
