Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth.

Before I start with this I want to give some basic
background on me. I am WORLD recognized
strongman and a professional strength consultant to
professional and aspiring Athletes around the world. I
receive on average 40-50 e-mails a month
concerning a VERY specific type of strength training.
I have trained with and given strength programs to a
number of fighters you have watched in the UFC and
more than a few Judo and Jujitsu world champs. I
myself am a holder of a few world records and I am
a fierce Judo/JAPANESE Jujitsu fighter that has
mopped the mat with BJJ brown and black belts.
I absolutely detest and HATE the use of performance
enhancing drugs/steroids and HGH. This is the full admittance that you are not good
enough, you have not the heart, the courage, or the conviction to achieve greatness with
the power of your own mind and will. People who use these drugs are PUSSIES and I
don’t give a FUCK who that bothers. You are TRASH for leading people to believe that
you use “junk” supplements, they spend small fortunes on, that don’t work and you make
hundreds of thousands of dollars because you let the concoctions of Nazi scientists carry
your pathetic ass to victory.
Not only do you help fuel the great “Bread and Circus” as Rome (America) burns, you
aid in the de-foulment of humanity by strengthen the Illusion of deceit. You don’t inspire
through your chemically aided feats, you ruin the dreams of young men and women,
because EXACTLY like the false, air brushed and manufactured model pictures of which
all but a small to NONE population of women can attain too, your false unnatural
all but a small to NONE population of women can attain too, your false unnatural
prowess from your use of poison confuses the good hearted sportsmen into the delusion
that if he buys some corporate useless sludge he “could” be like you.
You keep this depression in an endless cycle, fueling the insecurities and leading to
purchase after purchase of the “secret” formula to help them gain the same athleticism.
When the ONLY “secret” in steroids, HGH and the masking chemicals to hide your
SHAME. You slither on your belly with snakes who are your true masters.
In other words; FUCK YOU, you steroid using PUSSY!
I am also a Magician, a trained and PRACTICING Magician of 20+ years, No arm
chair, intellectual masturbation here. I fully believe in the astral body-mind-imaginationphysical
body link. I use it every day.
I had an accident that I was never supposed to recover from, never supposed to walk
again, I was never supposed to fight or fuck again. Thanks you reptilian medicine trained
white coat monkeys, but FUCK YOU and no thanks… I choose life, I choose walking,
fighting lifting, running, hiking and fucking whatever hole I choose so I turned to the first
and BEST science…Magick… “Where there IS a will (your directed will), there IS a
Today I do ALL those things, I set world strength records, I twist arms, crank necks,
strangle, grapple, leg and ankle lock and toe hold my way through life, through opponents
and the astral world. I yell praises to Thor, Hercules, Queen Maeve, The Dagdha, Odin
and St. George, I live a life of freedom, I am a wild savage bear! I am hungry wolf
hunting it's meals! I am a barbed spear that roars for blood! I am a stag of seven fucking
tines! I am the God who lights a fire in my head! Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn
dolmen arch!?!?!! (song of Amergin).
The Strong man (Samson) MUST be understood and to be understood you MUST not
only “study” but BECOME the Strong man or Strong woman.
I have done a video on the Strongman archetype, how this figure shapes the astral clay to
your desires and then supports the dream… In essence you MUST build the world of
your dreams on the physical plane, “The Kingdom of Heaven is built with hands of flesh”.
The great “rock” IS Malkuth, your strong foundation (your dreams, thoughts, intentions,
astral world) Is the foundation for you to build. The foundation MUST be STRONG.
Even the bible had the parable “You should build your house upon the rock (Magician’s
STRONG foundation) and not the sand (The perpetually unstable and weak dreams and
thoughts of the fluoride and victim consciousness of the common man)”.
You MUST ignite the power of your dreams, of your will, of your intent or have all that
you build be upon the sand, only to be washed away by the great astral tides of chaos
which manifest as calamity and the evil designs of Illuminati ASS WHORES.
BUILD YOUR FUTURE UPON THE ROCK, the strong foundations of Yesod,
strengthened again and again by your devotion to your shaping of the astral world with
your dreams, visualizations and your tireless efforts upon the physical world.
Within Qaballic symbolism, The Strongman of Yesod is shown wearing the “loin cloth”.
This simple garment that covered naked genitalia became a symbol of sexual prowess.
Where the Strongman was concerned this became a reminder of the power of and the
control one should have over their sexuality.
Sexual energy IS magickal force… it is magnetic, it draws in the object of your desire. If
men desire women, the energy of that force compels both women to him and for him to
go where the women are… its powerful magnetic. This same power is applied to your
physical reality. You dream about money, health, cars, sports, whatever and that object
soon finds its way into your life.
Most people will find only the influence of these desires, people who think about money
often just focus of the LACK of having money so things like bills and overdue statements
manifest to remind them how much they are lacking, people who dream about certain
sports general just become spectators, their poisoned minds telling them they aren’t
“good enough” to compete and those that do compete have poisoned their bodies with
steroids believing themselves not “good enough” to do so without it.
You must learn to be more specific in what you desire and increases your sexual desire
while thinking about it and the stronger and faster it will come to you.
Example a friend of mine wanted a red Harley Davidson motor cycle; he often used the
visual of a hot redheaded girl sucking his cock while he sat on a red Harley Davidson that
had his name on it. Within a year a guy ran a RED light and smashed into his car. Not
having any insurance, he gave him his RED Harley Davidson as repercussions.
Do you see better how to use your sexual power to increase your own personal
Something else I want to share about loins and their connection to “circus” strongmen.
The art of the circus strongman is very old.
Many of the great circus strongmen of the past where practicing magicians or secretly
involved in the occult. The sheer force of will, belief in self and probing the depths of their
subconscious to create a stage persona (magickal personality) lent its self very well to the
art of the magician, not to mention the use of prop and pageantry.
In fact I know for a fact that many of the
great Magi of the past where very powerful
men physically furthering their formidability
and mystique.
The loins relate to the muscles below the
belt and above the knee, these muscles are
also called the “seat of power” or the
Throne of Zeus.
These muscles are the root of a human’s
strength. The stronger you are in the loins,
the stronger you will be in every single
aspect of physicality, also there is direct
correlation between the exercising of this
muscle group and the release of
testosterone, which builds muscle and
increases sexual drive and desire…
I believe in becoming the archetypes of my tradition and the main ones are that of
Samson and Solomon… the Strongman and the Trickster is beyond ancient; Thor/Loki,
Hercules/Hermes, Samson/Solomon, Gilgamesh/Enkidu, Bear/Rabbit, Fox/Hound…etc,
etc, etc
Pretty soon you will develop your own “strongman” persona and then your own
“trickster” persona and then blend them together.
One of the BEST ways to develop your strongman persona is to BECOME a strongman
and that means physical exercise. This way you can practice dreaming about doing
AWESOME lifts with weights you believe currently are just impossible…and then
I am working very hard on developing a whole series of videos of me and my actual
practice based on a number of Gods and Heroes and will be releasing them here in about
a year.
But until then, I want you to begin laying a FOUNDATION… in other words, practice
wearing a loin cloth, as you develop what you will need to step up into the next level.
I believe in working the whole body as one
powerful unit, with HEAVY focus on the lions
and the grip of your hands. This all eliminate
weak links in the body and create functional
on attack strength with scary endurance.
The foundation (there is the word again)
exercises have always been the snatch and
the clean and press, one handed, two handed
and with barbells, dumbbells, block weights,
ball weights and kettlebells, even weighted
I current train 2…maybe 3 times a week. My
training days are HARD, so hard it takes 3-4
days to recover enough to train again. On
Monday (Moon, Yesod, Strongman day) I focus on high repetition and heavy weight one
handed snatches using 80lb-120lb dumbbells and kettlebells and hitting 100 repetitions in
under 30 minutes. Then on Thursday (Umm THOR’S day baby) I focus on High
repetition and heavy weighted one handed cleans and presses with the same weights,
same kinds of weight and in the same time constraints.
On Monday and Thursday I also do heavy hand gripper training that take 10 minutes
max. The time limits make me have to keep working so I get a scary good cardio
workout WHILE strength building. I do waste my time with stupidly adding exercises and
these two exercises work EVERY MUSCLE IN THE BODY, they where the
ORIGINAL “man” or “woman” makers.
I do on hand right after the other, so right hand is one rep, then left hand is two reps, and
then back to right hand for three…etc and so forth until the 30 minutes are up. I record
the number of reps in a book and when I can get over a 100 repetitions with a weight in
under 30 minutes, I either increase the number of repetitions I need to get or if I can I
increase the weight and begin again working to 100 repetitions in under 30 minutes.
On Saturday (Saturn… a Roman deity of STRENGTH and master of time and space) I
do a very LIGHT workout, mostly just 40-50 reps of the snatch and clean and press, as
combined repetitions not 40-50 of each with a weight that is ridiculously ease…just to
“work out” soreness and get so fluids flowing. The days off… I don’t even look at my
weights. I stretch and relax.
You DO NOT need to buy kettlebells. They are expensive. I love my kettlebells, but they
are very comparable to dumbbells and there are only a FEW things a kettlebell is better
for then a dumbbell. One hand snatching and clean and presses with dumbbell is a nearly
lost art that weak men tried to erase from history, DO IT!
If you have only a barbell set… focus on just cleans and presses, snatching with a barbell
is tricky and I want you to be a formidable warrior, not an injured one.
Start with a weight you can handle. I began with what I could do and have worked up to
world class weights and repetitions, if I can do it, so can you…and I wasn’t even
supposed to walk again… if I KNOW what is possible.
I have included some YouTube videos for these exercises that show it done in good form
and speed. Study the videos and then get to work! These are simple exercises you can
do at home. I am backyard monster… you don’t need a gym, but if you have access to
one then use it! Also, used sporting good stores sell dumbbells on the cheap. If you get
loadable dumbbells…for fuck’s sake get GOOD and TIGHT collars… I know from
painful experience how a loose collar can lead to weight plates falling onto your face…
not good.
Go get STRONG!
-Bear Heart
Clean and Press with KETTLEBELL
Snatch with DUMBBELL
conve rte d by We b2PDFC onve
Posted by Uncle Bear Heart at 2:02 PM No comments:
Labels: Annunaki, Astral projection, Ceremonial, Divine Humanism, Dreams, Hercules,
Lucid, Magick, Moon, Qaballa, Samson, Shamanism, Strongman, Thor, Yesod
Clean and Press with DUMBBELL

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet you won't guess which muscle in your body is the muscle that gets rid of joint and back pain, anxiety and excessive fat.

    If this "secret" most powerful primal muscle is healthy, we are healthy.
