Thursday, 28 January 2016

Book updates! H-A-H-B, second book, and the G.O.O.D.S Grimore.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Book updates! H-A-H-B, second book, and the G.O.O.D.S Grimore. 

Ok. To keep everything transparent and above board. The Horns Above and the Hooves Below has been written. It is being edited. I ended up add 27 fucking pages in the last two days. Why? Cause I decided I was going to release one of my most aggressive rituals(take that to mean EXACTLY as it sounds...) utilizing the sword of the King of All Witches; a weapon I give the full details for its dedication/consecration for in the book. I figured... it would be pretty dick-ish of me to give you a toy with out including some batteries. I also need a piece of artwork, and its done! That is on top of a few other MEAN rituals I already included. Its a warrior's path.... I fucking promise you.

The second book will introduce the Great Horned God in his title as "The Bull of the Fields". This Book with detail the first of the four magical substance of a man (or woman): sweat. Semen, Blood and Tears will follow at some point. I am still debating whether or not I will include other three to non-initiates. We are a ways out before we cross that bridge, so I will figure it out. This book will be HIGHLY PHYSICAL... I REPEAT, HIGHLY MOTHER FUCKING PHYSICAL... you will learn what purification through sweat means. You will learn magical-physical exercises. I TOLD YOU THIS IS A WARRIOR'S PATH. This book is the toiling and tilling your physical/astral world,bringing to the forefront the phsyical-magical strength to clear your life-astral-magical path. You will also meet the spirits of this road and form powerful relationships. You will embrace solar energy and the mysteries of re-birth, re-newel, protection, banishing, exorcisms, blessings and purifications.

Ok. G.O.O.D.S Grimore. This work is KING-KONG fucking big. Let me tell you why. I am a planetary magician. I have only hinted at certain things before, but now you you get to see what it is I do, just... be ready. If I release it ALL together I have a feeling its going to be 1000 pages plus. I am NOT joking. The break down of the Tree of Life in MY planetary magic cosmology (There is NO, let me repeat that NO, NONE, NADA, other publicly known Western Based Mystery system set up like mine, in terms of western ceremonial magic.99% of all other orders are based on Golden Dawn; Hermetic, style traditions.)I tell you this because I have a feeling that others will see my information, and begin twisting it. I do not, nor do you want that. Why? Because the structure of a tradition of magic is the foundation of it's house. If the foundation of a house is weak, shabby, poorly constructed, piecemeal lacks foundation, etc, NO spirits will live there; none. Unfortunately most of what is on the internet... and I do mean most, is the domicile equivalent of a piss stained cardboard box with newspaper for flooring.

I will tell you how mine is laid out, so you know what you will be getting into.

Each planetary realm of my tradition is a ENTIRE FUCKING ASTRAL WORLD. Each Planetary realm is ruled by the God name of that realm for example; Saturn.

Saturn has its own tree of life inside it (that is not a new concept in and of its self). Each planetary realm inside the realm of Saturn is a type of road or path of Saturn the God, and manifests as individual spirits of that realm, for which that act as guardians and gate keepers.

So there is a Uranus of Saturn, Saturn of Saturn, Jupiter of Saturn, Mars of Saturn, Venus of Saturn, Neptune of Saturn, Sol/Sun of Saturn, Mercury of Saturn, Luna of Saturn, then four elementals of Saturn; Air of Saturn, Fire of Saturn, Water of Saturn, and Earth of Saturn. Like stated before, each one of these is a individual spirit, with functions, personalities, rituals, offerings, and sigils.

It is like that for every single planetary realm of my system.... it is a gigantic undertaking.

I am thinking about revealing the grimore planetary realm by planetary realm. To make it digestible and for my own sanity.

Remember I've spent the last 12 years of my life learn THIS system.

You may have heard of the March Rider. He is Mars of Mars, in the Marsarian realm.

So... this is what is up with me and the books. I am steadily working. Thank you for your support. I apperciate, value, honor and thank all of you for your donations. This WILL NOT GO UNNOTICED and I NEVER forget a good deed done for me.

-Bear Heart.


  1. Hey Uncle bearheart! Will you sell me these books? I greatly desire them.

  2. Again that fucking guy better continue his great work so that I can continue learning from Bearheart.
