Thursday, 28 January 2016

My new YouTube Channel!

Videos to come soon. It's open season on dragons!
-Bear Heart
*This is partly a channeled writing from a powerful house spirit I have worked with for
years. Towards the end of the write up "I" start coming through more and more. This
piece is about the further spiritual nature of the planetary realms, more about what
happens there, understanding the "lower" astral and faustian pact and the use of the
Middle Pillar you free yourself.***
All religions of the physical world are actually the ritualized spirituality of the planetary
spheres. Sol is the birth place of what is known now as Christianity. Christianity is now a
manipulation, corrupted spiritual structure for slave agreements shaped by the reptilian
agenda. All “life” based religions are from the Sol sphere and are solar in nature. These
cults/sects included Helios and Apollo as well as the entity that is Sol and others. These
religions when they where pure and completely of uncorrupted and human practice was
one of the most powerful forms of protection and purification against harmful and
predatory entities, as well as for healing and storing and transferring energy. This primarily
had to do with flooding light into your cells and glands and that beautiful golden sun’s rays
which is harmful to these types of entities actually pushes their influences out of your,
which means “purification” and cleansing.
It is a slap in the face to humanity that now such a grand energy and “religion” of solar
power which was once a great protection is now one of humanity’s greatest
enslavements. That was done on purpose. This is the corruption of “life” energy. This is
the Qilopthian version of Sol. Where people once learned from Sol to shine bright and
stand as points of light, as champions against evil, tyrants and disease now being used to
blind humanity and trick them into sending all their energy to fuel the megalomaniacal and
horrific designs of this “One World” evil.
The majority of Goddess religions (however this included “male” entities such as
Dionysus) stemmed from the Lunar and Venusian spheres. These cults embodied
pleasure (sex, drugs and music), aesthetic beauty and magick in the understanding,
conve rte d by We b2PDFC onve
awareness of the astral world, and the shaping of it.
The Uranian (Uranus) sphere’s spirituality manifested into a religion followed by the
Atlantians which was all about direct connection to Prime Creator, the building of
futuristic devices, and free energy. The reptilians spent a great deal of time and effort to
undermine and twist this spirituality to bring about a corrupted idea of “oneness” which is
their Illuminati/One World Order of a one world king who is a God King much like
Cerce attempted ad was directly related to the polluted bloodline of the fallen Atlantian
There was even a religion based on the spirituality of Pluto. This religion was preformed
only in dark chambers or underground grottos. The followers would take turns playing
victim to controlled but still very intense periods of rape, torture, and other degrading and
highly humiliating acts brought against them by other followers who could “cleanse” or
“get out of their system” these desires in a place that could be monitored without doing it
to people outside the chamber or grottos. The “victims” are able to explore the nature of
humanity that enjoys being controlled, harmed, humiliated and even degraded, but only
with consent.
This Plutonian religion was targeted and banned by the reptilian controlled human leaders
because it did work, it did allow a great deal and awareness spiritually and people had a
definite understanding of proper social behavior and anti-social criminality. Also their
guards and law enforcement agents could use this religion to work out their” issues” and
wouldn’t harm the common folk as much as the ruling class needed to keep them in line.
The only major religions that have survived today are primarily based on Sol or corrupted
sun worship. This includes Islam. While Allah was originally Lunar based, his “moon cult”
teachings have been for all intents and purposes, eradicated. Judaism is nothing more than
graduated Christianity and ANY form of Zionism is the focused worship of the Qilopthian
Solar energy of sacrificing others for the elite few or “choosen”.
There was a strong linking of the extinct and true Mars or Martian warrior and strength
cults with the corrupted solar cults. This way the warrior cults and societies could better
justify murdering others in the name of love and compassion. The crusades, the witch
hunts, the convert or die campaigns… all are forms of the Mars/Solar corrupted
spirituality link.
Even a Jupiter/Jupitarian spirituality once existed. A religion that saw the proper collection
and use of wealth as a way to help formulate and build a world based on fair trade, work
ethic and honesty. This was quickly corrupted and its offenses became its practices.
Things like predatory lending/loan sharking, currency devaluing, etc… now common
practice for the follower of Mammon, the World Bank, Rothschild and Rockefellers, etc.
These religions are really just “broadcasts” from the planetary spheres themselves. Within
these planetary realms are very real inhabitants, they have cultures, types of
governments/social orders, and spiritualities or tenants of behavior and or moral
affiliations which because the spirits or non physical intelligences are naturally about;
gravitate towards these planetary spheres.
These planetary realms exist not on some far off realm; but, all around you at all times,
and ever presently interacting with you. Because you are a physical being you have 5
senses to guide you around the physical world, a world restricted by the laws of Saturn,
which are space and time, laws that are at once restrictive but also your greatest
liberation. These laws give you 5 senses. Should you challenge Saturn you can develop
psychic/astral senses.
The Planetary frequencies cannot be detected with our 5 senses and can only be
perceived within a change of physical consciousness and astral sight. These planetary
spheres are always influencing the physical world and your physical body.
The reason is you have a planetary body or “vehicle” on each planetary sphere. It is your
awareness that transfers or travels to be housed by this planetary vehicle as you engage,
explore and experience that particular realm. Each of your planetary bodies has a station
and occupation in each of the planetary realms. The greater and vast majority of people
are fully unaware of these planetary bodies and only vaguely aware of their dream body
let alone what these bodies are doing or what is being done to them.
The trades or occupations of these planetary bodies strongly influence your interests here
on the physical plane. These bodies “download” their experiences and activities directly
to your sub-consciousness which projects them to your consciousness and stimulates
your physical body. It is the many vibrations being overlaid/overlapped on each other that
builds up the densification for your gross physical body, as it is that same for all the other
planetary realms beaming their energy to make substance for the physical world.
The planetary bodies for someone unaware are generally weak, injured, malformed, and
misshapen and often times in the binds of slavery or the captive of some predatory entity
using it as an energy source. These abuses do indeed change that energy being beamed
into your physical manifestation and do create very real problems, illness and situations
for you in the physical world.
The more aware a human is of the conditions of their planetary bodies the more self
preservation minded, better formed and healthier their planter bodies become. They are
less likely to be bothered or assaulted and the more productive they can become
manifesting into a healthier, stronger and more vital physical body for that particular
The reptilian entities have consolidated their power and control grid around the lowest
and closest astral level to the actual physical manifestation of the earth, just right outside
the limitation of our 5 senses. This positioning better allows them to feed off the emotions
of fear, terror, depression, and hopelessness and more easily take control of their
bloodline families who serve as walking meat puppets for their projected consciousness.
The lower astral is now a trap for ignorant and fear based human spirits/astral bodies.
Through the behavioral and mental manipulation of Christianity the idea of “hell” is formed
and sustained by believe which is only powerful emotionally charge sustained thoughts.
Christianity also creates a guilt complex because “you” caused Jesus to die (bullshit) and
are a “sinner” and MUST be punished. This tricks you into expecting and even deserving
to be punished because you have admitted to being a lowly sinner (this is spiritual 5th
amendment, do not self incriminate) and therefore you of course must be treated as one
and some twisted part of you wants to be punished. So into your own created and
maintained lower astral prison your astral body will project it’s self.
You are agreeing/consenting to be a prisoner. You are agreeing to adhere to the Faustian
pact between the Illuminati meat puppets and their Reptilian masters. All the great wealth
given by the Reptilians and obtained by the Illuminati must come from somewhere and
your astral body will go to work as a slave, food and sex toy in the lower astral to help
create that abundance. You are allowing yourself to accept responsibility for your astral
egergore or “magickal fiction” (the corporate fiction is the manifestation of that) which the
Faustian pact was written for. Your astral egergore is just a place holder for you until your
physical body dies and your astral body in loosened for its physical vehicle and takes the
astral egergore’s place. The egergore is then destroyed, its energy fed on and you are
stuck in the lower astral as a trade commodity and slave.
The Middle Pillar awakens the powerful transceiver and transmitter you are really are.
Because all other planetary realms are really frequencies, when you are better able to
transmit instructions to you planetary bodies and receive clearer information back from
them you complete a sacred and powerful circuit, that is magick at its highest level.
You are then able to take a far more active role in the world and what happens to you.
You better understand where certain impulses come from and what to do with them. The
occupation/trade of each planetary body is a clue to you on how better to use your
planetary influences on the world around you.
The Middle Pillar strengthens your central channel, removes blockages and repairs tears
or damages to your grand celestial column. Imagine your central energy channel as fiber
optic wire that have been frayed and chewed on… the Middle Pillar repairs that. This
also speeds up the manifestation process because the Middle Pillar both awakens you to
the planetary realms and GROUNDS you, which is how things actually manifest. Not
being grounded in the bane of the New Age and what drives New Agers insane and
ineffective… useful idiots for the reptilians.
With daily practice of the Middle Pillar you will broad cast and receive transmissions
above and beyond the lower astral trap. You become a massive antenna, a sky pole, or
world axis and physical reality begins to revolve around you. You stop just going along
with herd mentality; you are no longer one of the “flock”.
The Middle Pillar helps your grow out of slavish religious and political paradigms and
modalities. You will begin to see a larger picture and realize you are more than just your
physical body and certainly more than just your one “astral” body. Thereby you cannot
accept responsibility for your astral egergore, cannot be held prisoner because you are
not a “sinner” or held by guilt for the death of a reptilian created entity named Jesus, and
in this realization the Faustian pact is struck null and void.
You no longer have a prison cell in the lower astral waiting for you. You are longer
agreeing to its existence and no longer maintaining it.
You shape the astral world through sustained thought charged by emotion. That astral
blue print manifests down as your physical reality. So understand that through conditioned
false dogma of being a sinner and needing a “savior” (who outside of yourself will
NEVER come) you are agreeing you need to be imprisoned and need an outside source
to release you. Your fear connected to this scenario helps shape it into the astral world
which then creates a prison mentality and reality for you on the physical world and
because you create your “afterlife” on the physical plane, your astral body once your
physical body wears out goes to that lower astral agreed upon prison. It’s a vicious
fucking cycle and one that can be completely avoided.
The Middle Pillar is a major foundation of true spiritual and by proxy physical freedom
and empowerment. The Middle Pillar introduces you to all your many selves, all your
potentials, the great and many powers you have available to you. Without this realization
you are indeed a slave, with it… you are a divine force of freedom and liberty for all
A word of caution however; the Illuminati and Reptilian entities have weaponized this
powerful practice. When you are performing the Middle Pillar under the direction of the
Golden Dawn or O.T.O and traditions that has stolen from them, you are asked to
vibrate “Jewish/Hebrew” god names. DO NOT use the Jewish/Hebrew god names. This
instantly tunes your frequency into the Qilopthian realms. These are filthy Zionist evil gods
who delight in rape, extortion, murder, ingesting of human flesh/blood/chemicals and
pedophilia, these are reptilian divinities and are indeed real. The more you intone their
names the more you garner their attention and flood your astral body and central channel
with foul and corrupted energies which make you have susceptible to reptilian influence,
insanity, megalomania and cruel elitism
They are corrupted the Middle Pillar on purpose, hidden its deeper aspects from you and
turned it into a mere “energy exercise” more in line with a Chinese qigong practice you do
for “health” as opposed to the super conductor and massive spiritual telecommunications
tower this practice turns you into.
When intoning and vibrating true God names, use names that are appropriate for each
planetary realm and divinities that are concerned and supporting of humanity;
Greek/Roman, Norse/Germanic, European and most African/Caribbean and many
Native American divinities etc. Shinto Kami are also trustworthy and beautiful to work
with. If possible try and align yourself with divinities of your physical heritage. Vibrating
both the God and planetary names such as Uranus, Pluto, Sol, Luna and Terra is always
powerful, safe and inspiring.
The Middle Pillar should be practiced at least once a day, twice if there is time for it. Your
astral senses will begin to quickly develop as will your greater self of well being and the
separation between you and Prime Creator will begin to fade and you will see yourself
for what you really are… a fountain of divine energy self contained, of total free will and
connected to the true oneness…a oneness that celebrates individuality, working to
support a system that helps others help themselves.
-Bear Heart

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