Thursday, 28 January 2016

The De-humanization agenda

The De-humanization Agenda
*This is by NO means an exhaustive essay only the most basic surface level of these
Fuck this non-sense about Global Warming. The pseudo-intellectual call to protect the
earth from the bi-product of natural human emissions is complete and total fraud. The biproduct
of human life is the elixir of life for this planet and its NATURAL inhabitants.
Much like income tax where you pay YOUR money to support the invisible prison and
VISIBLE police state built up around you , the “big three” religions where you further
support a hellish astral prison system built from guilt, shame and fear, and the co-opts
Illuminati magickal systems where you pledge your time and energy to a Qilopthian
overlord and megalomaniacal system of delusional corruption, the “Green Movement” is
another thinly veiled tactic based in emotional black mail, systematic conditioning and guilt
laden programming.
Our earth is experiencing an incremental invasion and a quite genocide is taking place of
the human race.
The goals?
1. Eliminate 90% of the human population. Enslave the remaining 7% and use the
remaining 3% as “breeders” for a source of food and the “recreational” use of human
glandular secretions.
2. Incremental/Gradual transformation (terra-forming) of this planet into a bio-sphere that
is compatible for the invading hosts. The earth is being slowing turned into a
“subterranean” climate. Cold, dark and murky. The Sun is being blocked by massive
amount of heavy metals in the air. The soil turned into nutrient-barren waste lands and the
water poisoned. This “reflective metals” is the air to deflect the Sun’s heat and create a
layer of “protection” from the Sun’s rays is like forcefully placing and holding a pillow
over a person’s face to protect them from breathing in dust. The Sun is vital to human
health and dispelling depression as well as keeping at bay from human consciousness the
truly depraved and vile intelligences/vibrations that would essentially root themselves into
the minds of mind and propagate ideas for mass extinction and thoughts so bizarre and
twisted that “insanity” doesn’t begin to cover them…. Welcome to the mindset of the socalled
3. Slowly re-write the DNA of humans to become more “suited” for this new bio-sphere
and become a “sub” type of human, no longer protected under “human rights” and
lacking in higher cognitive functions. This “new” humans will truly be “goyim” and fit to be
the slaves the NOW as always wanted. Little more than mostly androgynous cattle with
two legs, capable of limited speech using only service based/action based words to
complete “tasks” and no way of describing emotions/feelings. This is Orwellian NEW
4. The animals and plants of this planet will also be twisted into dangerous forms of
creatures that are psychopathic. These new hybrids will destroy the populations of others
of its former kind. Alien species of animals have and will be continued to be introduced to
eat earth animals and even mate with them to further pollute and destroy any “original”
earth species. These creatures will be highly evasive and hostile. The eating of these
animals will no doubt continue to turn and twist the DNA of humans.
5. A hybrid species of plants much like animal has been set loose on the earth. These
plants are toxic; these will be the only types of plants that can grow in this new terrain.
They are highly evasive and hostile to other plant life. Their DNA will turn and twist the
DNA of humans who eat them.
6. Carbon depleting the earth will more quickly kill off native plants and larger animals.
These will also greatly impact brain functioning and higher thought. Plants breathe carbon
and breathe out oxygen. Less carbon means, less plants which means less oxygen.
7. Bring all humans into highly developed communal prison cities so that they can be
better managed, tagged and placed under medical/agricultural/educational tyranny. No
more privacy, no more free thinking and no more individualism. People will be placed in
“color sections” this will replace humanity’s need for tribalism and can be used to create
infighting and help keep humans divided (example would be a manufactured rivalry
between the Blues and the Greens). Life will become so simplistic and lack luster that IQ
will plunge, creativity be killed off and rebellion essentially none existent.
I can remember distinctly being in grade school and being told that 1000s of acres of
Rainforests where being destroyed everyday and that within a few years there would be
no water for us all to drink. In truth the Rainforests have almost doubled in size and water
is nowhere near scarce. This was an early attempt to condition us that if “maybe” there
are less people who could all survive and that when the elite have stored away all our
“drinkable water” and have restricted us to cities and population control grids and we
never again see nature they can trigger old implanted memories that they have all been
“burned” away and that we have no run out of water.
The modern “environmental movement” is nothing more than the modernization of
“King’s Wood” an ancient method of maintaining populations in the old world cities. The
ruling class would realize that their “subjects” (interesting the note the word “subjects” I
believe that cities where an early social experiments so you would need “subjects” to
study… where the ancient ruling class the first social scientists? I believe so) would run
away and go back to living in the woods after being raped, tortured, extorted and
abducted while living under the tyranny of the “city”.
The ruling class then stated that the “woods” would be destroyed by “all” these people
living in them and in order to protect their precious resources banned people from eating
none royal approved food. This stated that the ruling class placed under their “protection”
(racket) all the animals and plants. Anyone caught hunting or foraging (living
independently) would be punished.
Also… foraging included finding medicinal herbs… so sickness/disease was rampant in
cities and the ruling class could own a strangle hold on medical “services” and much like
now, even then their medical service was little more than butchering, giving even more
poison and medical experimentation on non-consenting individuals, as well as using
epidemics and mixing them with people infected with other diseases and early incubation
methods to develop super flu’s… the “black plague” was a manufactured and spread
The ruling class even then whined about “too many” people… Too many people meant
world domination and total enslavement was not possible.
Many parallels can be drawn between then and now.
Our children are taught to hate themselves but also be high promiscuous and superficial.
They are taught “families” are bad and that they need to live hast, die young and only
attain to things that can be “purchased”, and anything lasting, worthwhile or steeped in
tradition is “uncool” and to be laughed at and ridiculed.
Our children are taught to ignore the suffering of others, to see war and cancer and
violence as “natural” and common, not to be questioned, as opposed to manufactured
and profitable ventures that DO NOT need to occur on such common occurrences.
The “green movement” teaches that any form of legitimate manufacturing or production is
evil. Therefore this cuts down on competition for the mega corps who is the Illuminati and
demonizes further true free market. The “green movement” criminalizes human actions
and breeds elitism. In other words living is harmful but I will continue to live and seek to
end the living of others to “protect” the planet… it’s a deadly “justification”.
The “green movement” allows for medical tyranny under eugenics and allows for a super
class to decide who lives and who breeds, NOT the actual natural selection which would
occur without the cruel hand of eugenic science. This movement teaches humans to
accept they should die and allows for small elite to rule as “stewards” of the earth.
In reality this is all just further thinning out of any form of resistance towards incremental
invasion. Fewer people and the increase of Alzheimers lead to a breakdown of racial
memory and stop the passing down of traditions. History becomes forgotten to all but
small elite. Humans don’t remember the skies used to be brighter and that fish didn’t look
like insects or have multiple heads etc. They have no concept of “belonging” and can be
easily uprooted and placed back down into a “New World” tradition that is hostile
towards humans and teaches them they are slaves and always have been, that a small
ruling elite are their masters and that there has also been strange unknowable and angry
gods demanding of human sacrifice that must be appeased…or else.
What can we do?
1. Learn and record true human history.
2. Fight to develop free markets. Be inventive. Sell ideas and products YOU created.
3. Learn to grow your own food. Store organic seeds.
4. Learn martial arts… ANY kind… it’s about developing a fighting spirit.
5. Learn to develop your skill with firearms… it’s a great sport and our founding fathers
extolled the mental and physical benefits of “sport” shooting.
6. Learn the pre-Christian traditions of our own people and racial backgrounds. Connect
with these stories and intelligences. This will REALLY ground you and teach you where
you came from. This will serve as a iron rod in the storm or golden ball of string in the
labyrinth of deceit and lies.
7. DO NOT use the Hebrew God names, these are total filth and invite the spirits of
complete human sacrifice and the minds behind the de-humanization agenda.
8. Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual. Ground, evolve, advance, grow and increase your
spiritual awareness and connection with your own divine humanity.
9. Create communities of brave, strong and aware humans. Where laughter among
friends is heard, trouble soon flees.
-Bear Heart

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