Thursday, 28 January 2016

Introducing my first book "Horns Above, Hooves Below".

FIRST OFF THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE DENOTED TO THE FUND!!! You will all be receiving a free copy of this book. I remember the good people do for me and I will always return the favor! Thank You again. You have made this process easier for me and that will not be forgotten.

My first book as been written and is now in the final editing and proof reading stage. I want to be clear. This first book of mine will introduce the tradition of European sorcery that I was taught in the tradition of Wicca I inherited from my mentor. This book is jam-FUCKING-packed with magical material that is so beyond contemporary Wicca and what is being passed off as the so-called western mysteries (The ONLY mystery about it is how it became part of the western mysteries) it is like comparing a college level calculus book to a kindergarten's copy of "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" by Dr. Suess.

This Book will introduce the reader to the complete, detailed rituals and formulas for invoking one of the nine mystery titles of the Great Horned God of European people's known as the King of All Witches.

This book will describe in detail the outer and inner cosmological placement, functions and governings of the King of All Witches. The King of All Witches is the missing link with Wicca, the western mystery tradition and the crucial crossroads of the MASCULINE magical path. This actually unites the triple crossroads of the Goddess and opens the entire magical network of the spiritual-religious-magical traditions of Europe. The King of All Witches is also the living embodiment of the world tree or cosmic axis.

The iconography in this book and its rituals make contemporary Wicca look ridiculously childish. There is no fluff, no love and light, no angels, no new age peace cult neo-pagan silly fucking nonsense. This is TRUE European sorcery. This is a fierce, raw, wild, and challenging path. A path that demands time, attention, blood, sweat and tears and no that is not meant as metaphorical. A TRUE WARRIOR SPIRITUALITY AND MAGICAL PATH!

This book makes NO apologies. I detail the actual and authentic rituals I, my Spiritual Father, his Spiritual Mother and our respective covens have used to protect ourselves and our members from harm and harassment and when we have needed.... stomped individuals and groups the FUCK OUT. I reveal the highly aggressive rituals and how to prepare the sword of the King of All Witches: magic rites and a weapon that have reached individuals behind bars, deep into corporate structure and high up into the upper echelons of society.

I detail work at the cemetery, at the cross roads, the proper use and preparation of a cauldron, candle magic that WORKS and is part of a bona-fide tradition, necromantic cleansing, aspects on shape shifting, the use of sexual energy, rituals for protection and astral invisibility and much, much more.

You will learn about the blessed and hidden children, witch blood and what that actually means.

This is a living, breathing and roaring magical tradition with deep spiritual and religious meanings. There is nothing hollow or empty. This path will test you and if you endure make you stronger and more fearless then you though possible.

This book is a MUST if you are interested in being initiated into the Crossroads of the God mystery tradition as the King of All is the facilitator of the crossroads.

Men are STRONGLY urged to read this book as it will reconnect you to your source of magical power and force you to answer the question, "what does it mean to be and man and do magic and a man?"

Women are encouraged to rad this book because it will connect you back with a primal masculine force that will show you love and passion for the Goddess like you never knew.

Look for the material of this book to be quickly stolen and false claims laid to it by other occultists and Wiccans, but, you will know the true source.

I have written this book under my Wiccan High Priest name of Lord Auberon to keep the linage and spiritual tradition unbroken and therefore unfailingly strong!

I promise you will not not be disappointed.

I will begin working on the Ritual and Planetary High Magic of G.O.O.D.S next!

-Bear Hear

1 comment:

  1. Were the fuck is the rest of his books after "Horns above..." he promise! Find me @Israelrocs
