Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Dream Control

Of all the most important exercises a Magician must master, dream control is perhaps on
the top of the list. Dream control is the intent that you will become aware when you are
dreaming and that you will actively engage in your own dream time and no longer just be
a passive witness to it. Imagine the Astral realm as the ocean. Dream is the sandy beach
and lucid dreaming is like walking barefoot in the tide. Lucid dreaming, for most, is the
most practical doorway into the astral world and second to that is the best way to
become aware of how much control you can have of the circumstances of your life and
how you can pursue the depth of the "rabbit hole" on purpose and with better information
Even if you don't have a lucid dream, dream control will make your recollection of your
dreams stronger and your experience more vivid and the symbolism even more
Lucid Dreaming takes you from out the of back seat and puts your behind the wheel of
your own life. Actively dreaming lets you rehearse all sorts of life situations and practice
skills, talents and circumstances in very real ways while programming these skills deeper
into your subconscious. This process also helps you see the REAL you and reveals your
deepest most intimate desires, wants, dreams and ambitions, which could seem scary if
not even guilty at first, but once you understand the nature and power behind these
realization, the fear and guilt fades and the strength that comes from truth, clarity and self
acceptance shines through.
I spent 6 months in a Dream Walker initiation process where I spent seven days in
complete solitude and isolation in the wilderness before bringing brought to a sweat lodge
at the end of the seventh day and then brought back to my camp spot and left to be alone
again... again this cycle went on for 6 months.
Some 15 miles away a friend of mine who went through this process with me was going
through the same experience; our mentor stayed in a hidden location and would drop off
food and some very basic supplies sometime in the dead of night and would lead us to
the sweat lodge and then back to our camp spots.
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Only on the end of every seven days did I see anyone. I was alone for all the other days.
Because my friend and I was not Native American, our mentor said we needed to
develop a ceremony that fit with our ancestral linage. We spend months in preparation reworking
the initiation Dream Walking story using European mythology and two
Shakespeare plays, the Tempest and A midsummer night's dream. The European version
fit amazingly well and I hope one day to perform this for others of European decent.
I basically lived inside a 6 month long ceremony, in the "in-between" where my awareness
of my "Dream body" was ALWAYS in the fore front of my mind.
There were NO cell phones, No News, NO distractions, NO idle gossip, NO internet,
e-mail, NO communication with anyone other than my mentor and friend at the end of
every seventh day and only then it was limited to dreaming and dream control.
After a few weeks I lost track of the days, time meant nothing and I became very
accustom to being alone with my thoughts, so much so, my thoughts sounded like voices
outside my head.
My camp site of very small, a had a small wooden shelter, a broom, a cot, blankets, a
knife, a club, a small caliber handgun, some ceremonial objects, very bland food, clean
water, a number of journals and pens and a few different change of clothes. That was it.
My camp with surrounded by a circle of stones that I was not to leave under any
circumstances. Because I was living within a ceremony and my dreaming body being
under so much awareness and observation, I was told that it would be very easy for less
than "friendly" influences to mess with it, and the circle of stones would hold me in
I spent my days in meditation, prayer, doing morning, noon, evening and midnight rituals,
doing daily automatic writings and journaling all my dreams, visions and visitations.
After about 4 months I began dreaming of my friend and finding him in my dreams very
easily and going on adventure with him. The first time in the sweat lodge when we passed
our dream journals to each other read word for word the exact same dreams and
adventures and things we had said each other was beyond surreal. It’s one thing to hear
about it, but another to realize that it’s not only possible but actually doing it, going back
to the mundane world as we understood it could never happen again. The understanding
that we are some much more then debt slaves for bankers and captives of corrupted
governments is liberation at its highest. To know that the majority of other people are
sleeping their lives aware in a manufactured reality based on fear and greed, a reality that
is meant to keep people sleeping with their eyes wide open and their dreams even more
bland and meaningless then their physical lives is a hard pill to swallow and the desire to
wake people up becomes stronger than ever.
Dream Walkers speak with Gods one on one and the King and priest become less and
less a necessity.
Towards the end of my Dream Walker initiation I began having regular visitations from
spirits, deities and even aliens and UFO encounters. I began suspecting that they are
actually pretty common and have the ability to move through subtle dimensions that our
physical sense are not acute enough to detect regularly.
My last night I awoke to thunder and explosions all around me. I crawled outside and
saw a herd of wild horses as big and wide as the ocean running directly towards me. I
knew if I left the circle I would break the initiation process so I stood straight and tall and
didn't blink as they looked like then would trample me into a mush.
Right as they reached the stones they dissipated into mist and when they had all but
disappeared a large figure walked into my circle of stones and I knew him as the Norse
God Frey, which I know him be his true name which I won't reveal here nor can I talk
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about what we discussed face to face, almost immediately after then and before the sun
rose, I was also vested by Oberon and Puck… also conversations that I have sworn to
keep secret.
Dream Control is based on a few major practices that are simple in application but must
be applied daily.
1. The journaling of your dreams. Leave nothing out, even if you find the content of the
dream unpleasant, shameful, or embarrassing. Dreams are powerful messages that need
to be heard and seen. A friend of mine dreamed he raped a girl. Nothing he would ever
do. However through mediation on the meaning he discovered he was forcing himself into
a situation that was delicate and vulnerable and without knowing it causing someone a
great deal of harm, in essence he was committing the feeling of “rape”, but he himself is
not a rapist.
Nothing worse than people who have absolutely no business examining dreams
interjecting their worthless and invalid opinions where they are neither needed nor helpful.
Keep your dreams to yourself; dream books with “meanings” are also for the most part
In your dream NOT in past tense, but as if you are right there. So NOT I was in a blue
car and there was someone in the passenger seat, he wore a top hat. Write it like this; I
AM in a blue car there IS someone in the passenger seat, he IS wearing a top hat.
Also, as obvious as this should be, don’t add or make anything up, even to try and fill in
gaps between your dream recall. Many people do this and it ends up corrupting the
purity of the dream and twisting its intended meaning.
2. Dreaming seems to be a life in constant action; your dream body is always doing
something or engaged in some type of activity. When you fall asleep and find your
awareness transferred to your dream body, you are entering into a situation “already in
progress”. You find yourself in a bizarre situation, like an Asian themed city that is floating
and being held up by many different colored and gigantic hot air balloons. You instantly
think… wow how did I get here. You won’t be able to come up with an answer… your
Throughout your waking life ask yourself “how did I get here”? You don’t need to be
dogmatic about it, just as you remember to do it, do it. This is cuing you subconscious
mind to begin question where you are and how you got there and that will carry over into
your dreaming. The question will inevitably make your conscious mind do a back flip
onto its head when you can’t answer how you got to a certain location, thus proving that
you are in a dream.
3. Look for your hands in your dream. You go throughout your entire waking life looking
at your hands, opening milk, to reading a book, to typing on the computer. They are
almost always in view, so much so you actually don’t consciously notice them.
During your dreams you will almost always been engaged in some activity where you are
using your hands. Asking yourself “Am I dreaming?” every time you see your hands in
your waking life will again also plant the question in your subconscious mind and it will
become habit over time. Your subconscious mind with trigger the question while you are
dreaming and when you see you hands while dreaming, you will realize that you are
dreaming, and more than likely the lucid dream will begin.
4. You should also begin developing a personal sigil or symbol that only YOU know. This
sigil should be developed over a long period of introspection and looking for a symbol
that repeats throughout your life and that you see a number of times in your dreams. This
symbol will occur sporadically in your dreams and since no one else will know what it is,
you will know that you are dreaming, or that something “auspicious” is going on at the
very least.
When you become aware that you are indeed dreaming you MUST be calm. If you get
overly excited you will wake up. If this happens, its ok; you will have many other
chances. Again, dream control should be an organic process, don’t have expectations
other than that you will have lucid dreams, nothing else. Don’t beat yourself up over
anything; let it be as it is. There is a saying “The bird of paradise will only grace an open
hand”, this means you have to hold dream control gently, trying to force it will only make
it more and more unlikely that you will have lucid dreams and hurt not help your dream
When you realize your dreaming stay still and allow the dream to come into better focus,
tell yourself to be calm and do your best to still your mind and “gently” move around.
At this point you are free you try and read books…. Yes…. You can read in dreams…
but it’s difficult. You can talk to individuals you meet, ask them anything you want, ask
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them to point you in the direction or introduce you to spirits and deities, sometimes you
will actually get to meet them, sometimes you won’t and you will have messages passed
to you.
Also there are sometimes objects that will be given to you, or they will be so fantastic that
you will pick them up and suddenly wake up into your physical life. These items are now
yours to use and many times you will find their manifested counter parts on the physical
Sometimes you will even get the chance to look at yourself or see your reflection in a
mirror, DO NOT be disturbed at what you see, take it with a grain of salt. Many times
your dream body will be misshapen, weak looking or grossly deformed. Sometimes you
will see strange looking instruments in or on you or that you have been injured. Feel free
to remove these strange devices from yourself immediately. They are either astral “junk”
or devices placed on you to make aspects of your life difficult and many health problems
result from these.
A friend of mine saw his dream body’s reflection and noticed he had a breathing mask on
and it attached to a solid looking brick, making it difficult to breath. He had suffered from
asthma all his life and thought it could be a part of it. He tore off the device and over the
next couple weeks his exercise induced asthma went away.
Sometimes even more disturbing are living beings or “leeches” on your dream body. I
actually had one of these. I realized I was dreaming and found myself lying in bed. I felt
the pressure on my back when I used to have a pet cat and he would sleep on me, but at
this point in my life I didn’t have a cat. I turned my head and saw what looked like a
cross between a baby and a very incetiod looking creature. It said some of the foulest
things I have ever heard anything or anyone say. Now I had been warned about these
“parasites” and they will do and say anything to keep you as a convenient “meal” over a
long period of time. I waited for it to stop- talking and then laughed at it and said a few
choice words to sit back and proceeded to rip it off my back and dissect it with my
astral/magickal sword… a somewhat satisfying experience.
If you find yourself wound, rub the wound and tell your dream body to heal and it will. A
Member of the order found herself with a huge bloody hole were her pregnant belly was
and screamed out for a divine doctor to come heal her and the arch angel Raphael
appeared and healed all her wounds and gave her some metallic/golden looking medicine
to drink and said her and her baby would be healed now.
In your lucid dreams you can do all of the above and more.
Do you see how liberating and empowering dream control is? Do you see why group like
the Illuminati and the Reptilian agenda don’t want you to know that is exists, they don’t
want you to have contact with powerful earth based deities that REALLY DO CARE
about you and are not manipulated and corrupted entities of Christianity that you need a
twisted and brainwashed priest to act as a middle man.
They want you watching TV and being afraid of the terror and boogey men THEY dream
up, they want you to focus on paying taxes and buying worthless shit you don’t need to
keep them living the “good” life and keep you a debt slave.
They don’t want you painting the picture you saw in a dream or composing beautiful
music or practicing fire magick you learned in a dream or building fantastic inventions that
benefit all of humanity, etc.
These crusty snaky fucks are masters of dream control and want it all for themselves…
It’s tame to take your dream time back and dream the life you want and truly reach for
the stars… the only limitations you have are the limitations you agree too….
Here are SOME things I have done while lucid dreaming that defies what “experts” have
claimed is impossible.
• Watch TV, some of the BEST programs I have ever seen I watched in a lucid dream.
• Get on the internet and checked e-mail. The CIA run Google isn’t on the lucid dream
internet (fucking bastards) so you can look up anything you want… this is the new
“Akashic Records”, and I checked my e-mail and had a message from the Voudu loa
Baron Samedi, the contents I will keep secret of course.
• Met Thor many times.
• Met Odin.
• Met Zeus.
• Met The Dagdha.
• Had a message delivered to me from priestess of Hera…FROM Hera.
• Fought and killed may Greys and Reptilians.
conve rte d by We b2PDFC onve
Posted by Uncle Bear Heart at 5:29 PM No comments:
Labels: Aliens, Alpha Draconis, Annunaki, Astral projection, Automatic Writing, Black
Sun, draco, G.O.O.D.S, Horned one, Illuminati, Magick, Nephilim, Paganism, Reptilian,
UFOs, Wicca
• Watched Tiamat get her ass kicked by Marduk.
• Killed a huge giant with Thor’s hammer Mjilnor.
• Listened to the most beautiful and haunting music I have ever heard by an orchestra of
• Taught Judo and Catch Wrestling holds by a long dead and famous wrestler/fighter
(This is called a transmission).
• Was taught a method of art by the Voudu Loa Ogoun Domenaye.
• Was lead into a Voudo house by the Voudu Loa Ogoun Fe
• Rode a bicycle with the God Mercury.
• Was healed by a North American shaman who gave me bitter tasting medicine.
• Wrote a love poem to BEAUTIFUL water elemental and remembered it in my waking
life and it won a number of awards and even a cash prize.
• Made love to many, many, many spirits, nymphs and a few goddesses.
• Learned shape shifting From Odin and from Frey.
• Protected an astral sabbat of pagans from a group of reptilians dressed as catholic
priests wearing the cloths of and wielding the club of The Dagdha.
• Read from an astral grimmore and learned a number of sigils and summoning that are
written in no other book except mine.
• Traced Norse runes into my body.
• Found a number of crystal skulls, some human… some not. Had one placed inside my
own head.
• The arch angel Michael blessed my astral/magickal sword as did Thor and taught me a
powerful fire ritual for purification and protection.
• Ate red and blue cookies baked in a car engine and told a small Haitian child about the
mysteries of Ogoun.
• Ate an entire deck of Tarot cards and now I do numerous readings for many different
people and get a nice little sum of money for being extremely accurate in my readings.


  1. Another method that I'm trying what is I downloaded an MP3 file from YouTube of a clock that is making ticking sound and that strikes with all of the large chims bells every 2 minutes so every second is just a regular tick and tock but on the two-minute mark it sounds off the large Chimes and bells so what I'm doing is whenever they sound off I look down at my hands and then I look up to the right towards sky and I ask myself am I awake or am I dreaming is this really happening and then I tell myself I am dreaming I just started using this method for like the last day and night so I will tell you about my success and maybe just enough that will work for you I have only had 1 lucid dream so far but it was by accident. Peace brothers!

    1. Oh almost forgot to add the most important detail the reason I downloaded the MP3 with the two minute interval Bell Chimes is so that when I'm sleeping I can play this in my subconscious will be programmed to look around and ask myself am I dreaming or if I'm awake the reason I downloaded the mp3 with the 2 minute interval chims is so that when I'm sleeping I can play this and my subconscious will be programmed to look around and ask myself if I am dreaming or if I'm awake so while I'm sleeping every two minutes it will go off thus propelling me into a lucid room while I am sleeping during my regular dream.

    2. Oh almost forgot to add the most important detail the reason I downloaded the MP3 with the two minute interval Bell Chimes is so that when I'm sleeping I can play this in my subconscious will be programmed to look around and ask myself am I dreaming or if I'm awake the reason I downloaded the mp3 with the 2 minute interval chims is so that when I'm sleeping I can play this and my subconscious will be programmed to look around and ask myself if I am dreaming or if I'm awake so while I'm sleeping every two minutes it will go off thus propelling me into a lucid room while I am sleeping during my regular dream.
