Friday, 29 January 2016

The tracks run forever. A message of encouragement from Zarabanda/Nkosi Mukumbe (Ogun)


The tracks run forever. A message of encouragement from Zarabanda/Nkosi Mukumbe (Ogun)

The God of Iron, War and Roads within Congo traditions (and traditions which are heavily Congo inspired) is often referred to as Zarabanda, and or has in Candomble; he is sometimes known as Nkosi Mukumbe. Very similar to the Orisha Ogun, but different enough not to be confused as the same. 

Often Saint George is used to signify Zarabanda. They are said to ride together at times to fight evil. In my temple this is certainly true. Zaranbanda is the owner of the roads of life (all life, and all incarnations, so the road runs forever), it his he who pushes forth innovation, and clears the way for progress. He is a fearless warrior of such strength no obstacle may impede his procession, no binding hold him, or bar his way. Zarabanda was seen as the great power within the trains the Congo people first saw, the tracks that seemed to run forever, and all the cargo they could transport. So not always, but in my temple (and others), he is seen partly as a train or train conductor, as well as other things. 

In a recent spiritual session with Zarabanda, directly after bending steel spikes by hand, and one arm lifting kettle-bells and dumbbells weighing in the triple digits and for triple digit reps, I had finally reach a sufficient mental, physical, and spiritual state in order to receive direct communication, that I may act as his medium. 

Sitting within a haze of cigar and gun powder smoke, soaked with sweat and still hot from from training; I could hear his message as if he was yelling it to me from the top of a speeding train. 

These are the words of a God........ let that sink in as you read his message. 

"The track is infinite. It doesn’t matter if you are pulling a 100 pound load or 1000 ton load. Speed means nothing if there is no destination on which to race to. It may seem that others might progress further than you, but what progress is made when they have little of worth in their load to offer anyone? Sure it appears that others may attain things sooner but what within their loads do they have to build any lasting foundations on which to place their so-called attainments? Sure, it looks like others arrive at achievements faster, but what does it really matter when they have not developed the strength to carry the kind of merit which has true value?
If the tracks are endless, and they are, then you should strive and struggle to pull a 1000 ton load as fast as others pull a 100 pound load. It is then, the blast of your horn will echo forever, and the rumble you cause on the tracks will roar throughout all eternity. Everything else will be nothing more than dust under your rails".

His message is endure; train your self to do what is hard, what is difficult and you will emerge such a force for your beliefs, and convictions that none can stand in your way. But be warned..... Zarabanda is a righteous God. He demands that you provide valuable service to others, that you carry true merit in your words and deeds, and that you seek to liberate your fellow man. Furthermore, that you do so in the way that is right for them. No, that is NOT easy, but it is worth it."

Zarabanda will bless, and call friend any who labor, toil, and sweat in such efforts. A more loyal friend none could have. 

-Uncle Bearheart

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